April 23rd, 2015 by pio@shoreline.edu
plant sale1

A little girl buys a plant at the Native Plant Sale.

Thursday’s Earth Week activities were a great success with a talk by Vicki Stiles, Executive Director of the Shoreline Historical Museum, a native plant sale in the PUB courtyard and a film showing of Rio 2.

Earth Week 2015 continues Fri., April 24 with another great lineup of events. Join us for one of the following:

Friday, April 24
“Poisoned Waters” film showing in the PUB Quiet Dining Room (9208) from 12:30-1:20 p.m. “Poisoned Waters” is a Frontline documentary that examines the conditions that lead to water contamination and the danger contamination poses to human health. The program exposes the worsening conditions of Puget Sound and Chesapeake Bay, focusing on the threat of continued runoff from development, agriculture and industry. Q+A session to follow the film will be led by Professor Chip Dodd.

Campus Sustainability Options Workshop in the PUB Quiet Dining Room (9208) from 1:30-2:20 p.m.
This workshop will address what it means to operate sustainably, how our campus could become more sustainable, and what we might do to reach this goal. This workshop will be led by Stian Myraas chair of SCOF (Sustainability and Commuter Options Fee) group.

This event will be followed from 2:20 – 2:30 p.m. by the Art Exhibit Awards. The art that receives the most votes in each category (2D, Sculpture, and Sculptures made during Earth Week) will be awarded a State Parks Pass prize.

Innis Arden/Lower Boeing Creek Nature Walk, 2:30-4:30 p.m. Meet in the PUB parking lot. Join Professor Matt Loper as he continues the exploration of the woods and wetlands that surround our college and follows Boeing Creek as it makes its way to Puget Sound. Learn more about native plant uses as well as the controversies over the control of Boeing Creek’s waters as it flows its last mile to the Sound, nurturing a small run of Chum salmon. We will travel to and from lower Boeing Creek on the campus shuttle.

Saturday, April 25

Upper Boeing Creek Watershed Work Party, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Meet in front of the gate to the track (East end of campus). 
Due to an overuse of the area directly behind the track by residents who allow their dogs to run off leash, the restoration work will concentrate on planting natives and moving woody debris next to the new plants to help protect them from being trampled by wayward dogs.  Some invasive plant removal may also take place. This activity will be led by Professors Matt Loper and Chip Dodd. Please bring with you a water bottle, thick gloves, work boots, long sleeved shirts and pants, and if you have them shovels, pruners, and hand clippers. Some refreshments will be provided.

Posted in Announcements, Events, Free, Volunteer Opportunities, Workshops Tagged with: , ,

April 21st, 2015 by pio@shoreline.edu
earth week nature walk

Shoreline students and faculty prepare to take an Earth Day Nature Walk led by Professor Matt Loper.

Tuesday’s Earth Week events were awesome, with a talk on Racial/Restrictive Covenants by Shoreline’s own Dr. J, a showing of the powerful film “Princess Angeline,” which is an examination of the story of the Duwamish people told through the life of the daughter of Chief Seattle, and a nature walk through the gorgeous Boeing Creek Park that borders Shoreline’s campus.

Since Wed., April 22 is the actual day of Earth Day in the midst of this Earth Week celebration, it’s gonna be a doozy! What’s coming up?

From 8:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m., the PUB Quiet Dining Room (9208) is all about Advocacy and Civic Engagement with Amp Your Voice! a workshop that equips students with some powerful advocacy and civic engagement tools.

TVslide_GAC_AMPSp2015From 10 a.m. – 2 p.m., the PUB Courtyard will be home to the Shoreline Farmers Market and sustainable Shoreline Community Groups showcasing their wares.

From 10 a.m. – 2 p.m., the Deep Roots Community Garden will be doing a seedling giveaway in the garden North of the 2700 building. Get a free seedling and learn how to make seed starting pots from newspaper and get information about open pollination and seed saving.

Also during this event in the Deep Roots Community Garden, from 11:15 a.m. – 12:45 p.m., Patty Pan Cooperative will be on site with cooperatively made Free organic Grilled Veggies (with some from our own Deep Roots Garden). They’ll be given away to raise awareness about the importance of locally sourced organic foods.

From 1:30-3:30 p.m., the PUB Quiet Dining Room (9208) will turn into a movie house with a showing of Soylent Green, a 1973 film that presents a dystopic future New York City, ravaged by overpopulation, the runaway greenhouse effect and a global food shortage. The film touches on themes of environmental and ecological responsibility, power structures, and social justice in times of climate change, economic shortage, the ethics of human resources and food production.  A discussion will follow the film.

All week long during Earth Week you can stop by the PUB room 9102 and make art out of recycled materials. Also throughout the week don’t forget to turn in any of your old, unwanted electronics to one of three electronic recycling stations set up around campus. Electronic recycling stations are in the PUB lobby (by the whale), the Theater lobby and the lobby of the 2800 bldg.

Posted in Announcements, Events, Free, Workshops Tagged with: , ,

April 21st, 2015 by pio@shoreline.edu


The Student Leadership Center, in collaboration with RESULTS and the Global Affairs Center, is holding a FREE workshop Wed., April 22 from 8:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. in the PUB Quiet Dining Room (9208) that equips students with some powerful advocacy and civic engagement tools. These can be applied to securing WA state funding for higher education, environmental protection and poverty reduction here and abroad.

The workshop schedule includes:
8:30 a.m.
Welcome by SBA President Ashley Cowan
8:35-9:25 a.m. Advocacy and Civic Engagement on Poverty Issues by Karen Gielen of RESULTS Seattle
9:30-10:20 a.m. Washington State Funding for Higher Education by Shoreline’s Terry Taylor and Amy Kinsel
10:30-11:20 a.m. Washington State Environmental Challenges by Cathy Lehman, Voter Education and Outreach, Washington Environmental Council
11:30 a.m. – 12:20 p.m. Technique for Effective Advocacy and Civic Engagement
Pizza Lunch, RESULTS Seattle Volunteers
12:30-1:20 p.m. Hands-on Advocacy Training
1:20 p.m.
Closing, by Ashley Cowan SBA President

Posted in Announcements, Events, Free, Workshops Tagged with: , , ,

April 20th, 2015 by pio@shoreline.edu
Edie Loyer-Nelson and Michelle Kleisath

Keynote speaker Edie Loyer-Nelson, a former trustee of SCC and current Duwamish tribal member, and social sciences faculty member Michelle Kleisath at the Earth Day kickoff event.

Earth Week 2015 kicked off Monday with an informative speech by keynote speaker Edie Loyer-Nelson, a former trustee of SCC and current Duwamish tribal member. Edie Loyer-Nelson talked about what we mean by “Fostering an Ethic of Place” and why one needs to know who and what came before them to make sense of where we are today.

Earth Week festivities continue Tues., April 21 with three great events:

Racial/Restrictive Covenants: The Shameful Legacy of Greater Seattle
PUB 9208, 11:30 a.m. – 12:20 p.m.
Professor Ernest Johnson will discuss the history of restrictive covenants in the Seattle area, with the end of these only coming with the rise of the Civil Rights Movement.  He will identify the land developers and real estate companies who wrote most of the regions racial and restrictive covenants, while also identifying the biggest names in land development were also the biggest names in Seattle’s segregation history.

Princess Angeline Film Showing
PUB Quiet Dining Room (9208), 12:30-1:45 p.m.
This film explores the story of the Duwamish people and their unrecognized tribal status primarily through the life of Princess Angeline the daughter of Chief Seattle.  After watching the movie Prof. Michelle Kleisath and Duwamish tribal member Edie Loyer-Nelson will lead a discussion of the film.

Nature Walk Campus/Upper Boeing Creek
Meet outside the PUB Quiet Dining Room (9208), 1:45-3:45 p.m. 
Explore the interface between the college and the beautiful forests that surround the campus with Prof. Matt Loper.  Learn about the natural and cultural history of this interesting area, including uses of plants by native peoples and the establishment of the Boeing family hunting estate.  Visit the “Al Gore Memorial Sink Hole” and see how a newly created wetland has helped to reduce the threat of floods and brought back valuable native habitat.

Posted in Announcements, Events, Free Tagged with:

April 16th, 2015 by pio@shoreline.edu


Earth Week is April 19-25, and Shoreline Community College is celebrating with an exciting lineup of events surrounding the theme “Fostering an Ethic of Place.”

This year’s Earth Week seeks to explore our relationship with the place that Shoreline calls home by opening our eyes to the history of our campus, examining our roles in this community and envisioning what we can do in the future to create a more equitable, economical and environmentally just community, with the end goal of reaching sustainability.

Earth Week activities kick off this Sun., April 19 with Earth Day Storytelling at Duwamish Longhouse featuring native storytellers Gene Tagaban, Mary Anne Moorman and Lorraine Bayes and will end next Sat., April 25 with a Habitat Restoration work party in the Upper Boeing Creek Watershed.

In between, the Shoreline community is invited to attend a whole host of events ranging from Amp Your Voice (a workshop that equips students with powerful advocacy and civic engagement tools) to nature walks, from a native plant sale to film showings including Wall-E, Soylent Green and Princess Angeline.

The entire listing of events can be found here. Be sure to check it out and participate – there’s something for everyone!

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