Category: Events

November 21st, 2018 by

On November 28th from 12:30-1:30pm in Room 2210, there will be an open forum to discuss The All Gender Restroom Project. Come find out logistics and hear from students about why this is important! There will be a Q&A if you have specific questions

Posted in Announcements, ASG, Events

November 1st, 2018 by

Auditions for Student Life’s Annual Talent Show are now open, and this year you can audition online!

Student Life is accepting submissions from now until November 30, 2018. Send your audition videos to

Go here for more details and to let us know more about your submission.

Our event is open to all Shoreline Community College students! We will be posting more details publicly about in-person auditions soon.

Posted in Announcements, Arts & Entertainment, Events, Free

October 10th, 2018 by

The International Education Week 2018 Badminton Tournament is Fri., Nov. 16 from 9am-noon. All students are welcome to participate.

Sign up to compete at any IEW event, in the International Education office in the PUB 9302, or online at

Finalist teams will win prizes and certificates! All are welcome to come watch and cheer for your favorite teams.

Posted in Announcements, Events, Free

October 10th, 2018 by

All students are welcome to enter the International Education Week (IEW) 2018 – Photo Contest. The theme this year is “Growing.”

• The deadline for submissions is Nov. 7 by 11:59 PM. Please email no more than three photos (with a caption for each) to using the subject line “IEW Photo Contest.”

• Top 10 entries will be selected by a panel of faculty & staff judges and displayed in the PUB Nov. 13-14. Voting for a winner will happen at IEW events and in the International Education office in PUB 9302.

• Winners will be announced at the IEW event on Nov. 15 in PUB Lobby.

Posted in Announcements, Events, Free

October 10th, 2018 by

There’s a new exhibit in the Admin (1000 Bldg) Art Gallery:
SOS for Lake Pátzcuaro
The Lily Project / Proyecto DeLirio
October 1, 2018 – January 11, 2019

This exhibition combines cultural preservation, environmental activism and community collaboration through the processes of paper making and printmaking to share the story and inspiration of Taller DeLirio.

Near Lake Patzcuaro in the small town of Huecorio, Mexico, artist Esteban Silva and his wife Tania Dominguez are working to bring attention to the slow destruction of the lake by an invasive water plant, the water hyacinth. Esteban and Tania responded to this environmental crisis by removing and making paper from the hyacinth. They use this paper to promote awareness and community involvement through their studio, Taller DeLirio.

In 2016, Taller DeLirio invited painters and engravers to participate in a poster project “SOS for Lake Patzcuaro” and the result was surprising. They ended with a collection of 64 posters by 32 local artists, addressing the environmental and social themes of the lake environment. The paper and graphic project was carried out in conjunction with their group of paper workers at Taller DeLirio and the invited artists.

Gallery Hours: Monday – Friday // 9 – 5
For more information or exhibition tours contact:
Claire Putney, Art Gallery Director at

SOS gallery

Posted in Announcements, Events, Free Tagged with:

September 28th, 2018 by

The Queer I Am Conference will be held October 26-27, 2018 at South Puget Sound Community College in Olympia. Queer I am is a liberating space in higher education that empowers queer people to develop a sense of belonging and pride within the queer community.

If you are interested in attending, apply ASAP at:

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Multicultural Center in PUB Room 9301 or at (206) 533-6618. Please share with anyone you know who may be interested!



Posted in Announcements, Events, Free, Workshops

September 28th, 2018 by

Students of Color Conference is a transformative educational experience with over 800 students from community colleges across the state participating every year. Workshop topics include: leadership development; ethnic, racial, and cultural sensitivity; academic success; identity development; diversity and multiculturalism; strategies and skills for promoting social justice; intercultural communication.

To learn more about the conference and apply:

Posted in Announcements, Events, Free

September 27th, 2018 by


Shoreline Community College is proposing the repeal of Chapter 132G-136 and the creation of Chapter 132G-137 of the Washington Administrative Code regarding the Use of College Facilities. The College is proposing these changes to provide updated and clarified language regarding the Use of College Facilities at Shoreline Community College.

The update code incorporates new model language that implements best practices for the smooth operation of Shoreline Community College’s buildings and grounds in support of our primary mission as an educational facility.

In compliance with RCW 34.05.320, the College is providing an opportunity for comments on Thursday, October 4, 2018 at 10:00 a.m. in the Quiet Dining Room of the PUB. Alternately, comments related to this rule revision, may be submitted to on or before October 4, 2018.

Shoreline Community College is also proposing the creation of Chapter 132G-142 of the Washington Administrative Code regarding the Use of College Facilities for Expressive Activities. The College is proposing these changes to provide clarifying language regarding the Use of College Facilities for Expressive Activities at Shoreline Community College.

The new code incorporated new model language that implements best practices regarding time, manner and place restrictions for expressive activities on campus covered under First Amendment rights. This language is being created to ensure that there are protections in place to eliminate disruption to the educational process.

In compliance with RCW 34.05.320, the College is providing an opportunity for comments on Thursday, October 4, 2018 at 2:00 p.m. in the Quiet Dining Room of the PUB. Alternately, comments related to this rule revision, may be submitted to on or before October 4, 2018.

Thank you.

Posted in Announcements, Events

July 26th, 2018 by

The Queer I Am Conference (QIA) is an annual event hosted by the Multicultural Student Services Directors’ Council (MSSDC). It focuses on creating a liberating and welcoming space for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ+) students.

This year it will be held at South Puget Sound Community College in Olympia, Oct. 26-27. Shoreline’s Multicultural Center will be sending a group of students for free, but space is limited so sign up early if you’re interested. This opportunity is open to all current and enrolled students. For more info or to sign up to attend the conference, visit the Multicultural Center on the third floor of the PUB or email or

Posted in Announcements, Events, Free, Workshops

June 18th, 2018 by

These are the events happening around campus for the week of June 18.

Mon., June 18

Financial Aid Workshop: Workforce Ed Computer Lab, 5101
Mon., June 18: 2:30-4pm
Come get free expert help filing your FAFSA.

Tues., June 19

Vocal Graduation Recital: Kehla Grow & Trevor Eaden: Campus Theater (1600 Bldg)
Tues., June 19: 7-10pm
Vocal students, Kehla Grow (soprano) and Trevor Eaden (baritone) are hosting and performing in their free graduation vocal recital.

Please join these very talented vocalists as they perform an impressive repertoire, featuring work by DeBussy, Handel, Mozart, Puccini, Schubert, Vivaldi, and more. They will be accompanied by Elizabeth Rainy on piano and Kiana Burt on oboe. A reception will follow the recital.

Wed., June 20

Volunteer drop-in at campus garden: Deep Roots Garden, near the 2400 building
Wed., June 20: 1-2pm
Drop in and help out at the Deep Roots Community Garden located next to the 2400 building. Come for the whole hour or only 15 minutes. It will feel good to do some tending, weeding, planting, and growing. Volunteers check in at the Greenhouse. Gloves and tools provided.

Workforce Funding Info. Session: Workforce Ed Classroom, 5101
Wed., June 20: 2-4pm
Are you wondering how you are going to pay for next quarter? Workforce Education at Shoreline Community College might be able to pay for your entire tuition!

Come to a Workforce Tuition Assistance info session, call us at 206-546-5882, or go to to see if you pre-qualify for funding.

Thurs., June 21

2018 Commencement Ceremony: Main Gym (3000 Bldg)
Thurs., June 21: 6-8pm
Information about Commencement can be found here. A reception with light refreshments will follow the ceremony in the PUB (9000 Bldg).


Posted in Announcements, Arts & Entertainment, Events, Free, Volunteer Opportunities, Workshops