Category: Volunteer Opportunities

February 19th, 2019 by

The International Peer Mentors are holding a clothing drive benefitting Mary’s Place, an agency that provides a welcoming environment where homeless women, children, and families receive shelter, nourishment, and resources.

Please consider donating any of the following items:

    • Winter Clothing
    • Cleaning Products
    • New socks and undergarments
    • Personal Hygiene Products

You can also visit for a complete list of items!

Yellow marked bins
 will be located in the following locations until Thursday, March 7: PUB 3rd Floor, Library, and FOSS 3rd Floor.

Posted in Announcements, Volunteer Opportunities

June 18th, 2018 by

These are the events happening around campus for the week of June 18.

Mon., June 18

Financial Aid Workshop: Workforce Ed Computer Lab, 5101
Mon., June 18: 2:30-4pm
Come get free expert help filing your FAFSA.

Tues., June 19

Vocal Graduation Recital: Kehla Grow & Trevor Eaden: Campus Theater (1600 Bldg)
Tues., June 19: 7-10pm
Vocal students, Kehla Grow (soprano) and Trevor Eaden (baritone) are hosting and performing in their free graduation vocal recital.

Please join these very talented vocalists as they perform an impressive repertoire, featuring work by DeBussy, Handel, Mozart, Puccini, Schubert, Vivaldi, and more. They will be accompanied by Elizabeth Rainy on piano and Kiana Burt on oboe. A reception will follow the recital.

Wed., June 20

Volunteer drop-in at campus garden: Deep Roots Garden, near the 2400 building
Wed., June 20: 1-2pm
Drop in and help out at the Deep Roots Community Garden located next to the 2400 building. Come for the whole hour or only 15 minutes. It will feel good to do some tending, weeding, planting, and growing. Volunteers check in at the Greenhouse. Gloves and tools provided.

Workforce Funding Info. Session: Workforce Ed Classroom, 5101
Wed., June 20: 2-4pm
Are you wondering how you are going to pay for next quarter? Workforce Education at Shoreline Community College might be able to pay for your entire tuition!

Come to a Workforce Tuition Assistance info session, call us at 206-546-5882, or go to to see if you pre-qualify for funding.

Thurs., June 21

2018 Commencement Ceremony: Main Gym (3000 Bldg)
Thurs., June 21: 6-8pm
Information about Commencement can be found here. A reception with light refreshments will follow the ceremony in the PUB (9000 Bldg).


Posted in Announcements, Arts & Entertainment, Events, Free, Volunteer Opportunities, Workshops

May 23rd, 2018 by

Environmental Club is looking for volunteers to help plant veggies in the Deep Roots Garden this Friday (5/25). We will meet over at the greenhouse area at 3:30 pm. It will be a great opportunity to earn volunteering hours and participate in the campus event.

Hope to see you all there!

For more information please contact :

Posted in Clubs, Events, Volunteer Opportunities

May 23rd, 2018 by

Shoreline Community College is hosting SIFF (Seattle International Film Festival) from May 25, 2018 to June 2, 2018. The Foundation is looking for student volunteers to work a 4-5 hour shift selling concessions (popcorn, candy, soda) to the moviegoers. Volunteers will receive a ticket to any SIFF movie (NOTE: Do not work at a movie that you want to see as you won’t be able to go into the theater during your shift).

Learn more and sign up today!

Posted in Announcements, Volunteer Opportunities Tagged with:

April 16th, 2018 by

Here are the events happening on campus for the week of April 16. Shoreline’s Earth Week celebration is taking place April 19-21 – join in the fun!

Mon., April 16

College rep visit: Table in PUB Lobby
Mon., April 16: 11am-1pm
College representatives from Seattle University: School of New & Continuing Studies and Eastern Washington University will be at Shoreline’s campus to meet with interested students. Reps will discuss topics such as academic programs, campus life, financial aid, and admission procedures for their college. They can answer other questions students may have too.

Benefits Hub: Financial Aid workshop: PUB 9202
Mon., April 16: 12:30-1:30pm
Lunch Provided. In this workshop, students will learn about the ins and outs of paying for school and planning for the future. Benefits Hub members will assist students in applying for FAFSA and WASFA, as well as other scholarships and grants.

Tues., April 17

Taiwan Indigenous Cultures: PUB 9208
Tues., April 17: 12:30-1:20pm
Mayumi Steinmetz, Faculty (Japanese Language and Asian Studies), Shoreline Community College.

Taiwan has been home to Austronasian-speaking indigenous peoples for thousands of years. In the 19th century, these 16 tribes lost their sovereignty and now live under the shadow of the dominant culture. Professor Steinmetz will discuss her recent research in Taiwan about of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan. She found them to be resilient and unified, with a strong ethnic identity, rooted in part in Christianity.

Converging Landscapes Artist Reception: Admin (1000) Bldg art gallery (lobby)
Tues., April 17: 3:30-5:30pm
Meet Nicholas Enevoldsen and Gary Georger, the faculty artists behind Converging Landscapes, the current exhibit in the Admin Bldg art gallery.

Nicholas Enevoldsen’s recent series of perceptual oil paintings entitled, “The Modern Spectacle”, utilizes a broad sampling of disparate images—candid scenes drawn from everyday life—to curate a panoramic tapestry of the modern experience.

Educated as a painter and trained as a potter, Gary Georger is in the endeavor of surface textures and painting with clay. He creates large platters and chargers with exploratory techniques that are technical challenging. In the course of making these forms new possibilities and surfaces develop.

Wed., April 18

Volunteer drop-in at campus garden: Deep Roots Garden, by 2600/2700 buildings
Wed., April 18: 1-2pm
Drop in and help out at the Deep Roots Community Garden located next to the 2600 building. Come for the whole hour or only 15 minutes. It will feel good to do some tending, weeding, planting, and growing. Volunteers check in at the Greenhouse. Gloves and tools provided.
Other times available by arrangement.

Thurs., April 19

Earth Week: Climate Action Day: PUB Courtyard
Thurs., April 19: 10:30am-2:30pm
Come to the PUB courtyard to learn how you can help mitigate climate change! We will have informational tables, music, and activities all day.

Earth Week: Climate Presentation with UW Scientist: PUB 9208
Thurs., April 19: 11:15am-12:15pm
Dr. Dan Amrhein is a postdoctoral fellow in the School of Ocean Sciences and Department of Atmospheric Sciences at UW. He is working to understand how ancient climates over the last millennium and during the last ice age were different from today’s, and what that tells us about future climate change.

This Q&A presentation will be followed by a free documentary screening of Chasing Coral.

Earth Week: Chasing Coral documentary screening: PUB 9208
Thurs., April 19: 12:15-2pm
Come join us for a free screening (with a discussion following) of the documentary, Chasing Coral.
In Chasing Coral divers, scientists, and photographers around the world mount an epic underwater campaign to document the disappearance of coral reefs.

Benefits Hub: Budgeting Like a Boss Workshop: PUB 9202
Thurs., April 19: 12:30-1:30pm
Lunch Provided. Take control of your finances by learning how to make a budget and stick to it. Benefits Hub members will give you strategies and tools so you create a plan that works for you.

Fri., April 20

Earth Week: Guided Nature Walks: Fountain in PUB Courtyard
Fri., April 20: 10am and 1pm
Take a guided nature walk and learn about the incredibly diverse Northwest flora that exists right here on campus. There will be two walks, one at 10 am and one at 1 pm. Meet at the fountain in the PUB courtyard.

Earth Week: Arbor Day: PUB Courtyard
Fri., April 20: 10:30am-2:30pm
Come to the PUB Courtyard to celebrate our native trees and plants! We will have tables, activities, and music all day. There will be seedling giveaways and more.

Honors Recital/Sophomore Showcase: Music Bldg, room 818
Fri., April 20: 12:30-1:30pm
Join us for a special musical event: The Sophomore Showcase & Honors Recital are two events that have been combined this year as many of our Sophomore music students have also received awards for their Outstanding Jury Performances during the Fall and/or Winter quarter jury examinations. The line-up of performers includes vocalists, pianists, and a variety of instrumental musicians. Please attend this special event and support our talented students as we celebrate their musical achievements.

Express Yourself Showcase: Black Box Theater (lower level 4000 Bldg)
Fri., April 20: 2-4pm
Join us in the Black Box Theater for a showcase of eclectic performances featuring our talented Shoreline Community College music students. Bands, instrumentalists, rappers, DJs, and vocalists will perform their original compositions in a range of styles, from acoustic to electronic. Everyone is invited to attend this free concert!

Sat., April 21

Earth Week: Native Plant Habitat Restoration planting: Forested area on north campus
Sat., April 21: 10am-2pm
Come celebrate Earth Day by removing invasive species, cleaning up litter, and planting native trees and shrubs. Everyone is welcome. Some refreshments will be provided.

We’ll be working in the forested area between the track and Shoreline City Dog Park. Meet near the gate to the track in the parking lot.

Sun., April 22

Baseball vs. Edmonds: at home at Meridian Park
Sun., April 22: 12pm and 3pm
Come out to Meridian Park and cheer on our Phins as they take on Edmonds at home in a double header. Games at noon and 3pm. #GoPhins!

Meridian Park is at 16765 Wallingford Avenue N, Shoreline.

Posted in Announcements, Arts & Entertainment, Athletics, Clubs, Events, Free, Services for Students, Volunteer Opportunities, Workshops

April 13th, 2018 by

Earth Week at Shoreline is being celebrated April 19-21! Shoreline’s environmental club will be hosting a table in the PUB courtyard on Fri., April 20 from 10:30am-2:30pm, and the club is looking for volunteers to help staff it. They will be giving away baby plants.

Sign-up to volunteer or contact the club with questions.

Posted in Clubs, Events, Volunteer Opportunities

March 12th, 2018 by

Here are the events happening around campus for the week of Mon., March 12. It’s BREATHE before finals week. Sponsored by the Counseling Center, BREATHE is a week of free, campus-wide events aimed at helping students de-stress and take time out to take a breath before finals week. Join in!

Mon., March 12

Employer of the Day: Table in PUB Lobby
Mon., March 12: 11am-1pm
Employer of the Day: Campus Point. Ready to get that paid internship? Then come meet with Campus Point, the best at placing paid interns to maximize your next step into your career!

Employer visits are posted as a public service for informational purposes only. This does not indicate any specific endorsement or relationship with Shoreline Community College.

BREATHE – Yoga: Gym 3025
Mon., March 12: 12:35-1:25pm
Free yoga – newcomers welcome.

FAFSA Workshop: Workforce Ed. Computer Lab, 5101
Mon., March 12: 2:30-4pm
Need help completing your Financial Aid Application? Come to a FAFSA Workshop. A Financial Aid advisor will be available to help you.

Tues., March 13

Jazz Improv concert: PUB Lobby
Tues., March 13: 12:30-2pm
Join us for a free afternoon concert featuring the performances of students enrolled in the Jazz Improvisation class, directed by our award-winning music faculty, Steve Kim. The band is typically comprised of students playing guitar, bass, drum, keys/piano and various horns. We may even feature a vocalist or two.

BREATHE – College Dogs: PUB 9202
Tues., March 13: 12:30-1:30pm
De-stress with our furry friends! Pet a dog to wag more and stress less.

BREATHE – Pilates: Gym 3025
Tues., March 13: 12:35-1:25pm
Join us for free pilates. Newcomers welcome.

BREATHE – Yoga: Gym 3025
Tues., March 13: 5:05-5:55pm
Join us for free yoga. Newcomers welcome.

Shoreline Concert Band performance: Shorecrest HS
Tues., March 13: 7:30-9pm
Shoreline Community College Concert Band presents its premiere performance under the new leadership of Associate DirectorsAlec Wilmart and Chris Davis: “Marching Into March!”

At Shorecrest High School Performing Arts Center at 15343 25th Ave NE, Shoreline, WA 98155.

Wed., March 14

BREATHE – Snacks with Alumni & Friends: PUB Lobby
Wed., March 14: 11am-1pm
Grab a free snack with Alumni & Friends. Graduates: sign up for alumni benefits!

BREATHE – Yoga: Gym 3025
Wed., March 14: 12:35-1:25pm
Free yoga – newcomers welcome.

Workforce Funding Info Session: Workforce Ed, 5101
Wed., March 14: 2-4pm
Do you need help paying for school? We can help pay for tuition, fees, books, parking, or Orca bus passes if you are:

  1. Low-income (receiving FOOD STAMPS or CASH through DSHS or able to provide evidence of income) or unemployed, and
  2. a US citizen, permanent resident, or refugee who has lived in Washington State for at least one year, and
  3. enrolled in ANY of the following:
  • Professional/Technical Programs (certificates/non-transfer degrees )
  • ESL (English as a Second Language)
  • High School 21+ or GED Preparation (Adult Basic Education)

Find out if you pre-qualify for funding and RSVP for a funding session at You can also come to the Workforce Education office (5101) to sign up.

BREATHE – Fitness Center Orientation: Gym 3025
Wed., March 14: 5:05-5:55pm
Find out more about the benefits of our Shoreline Fitness Center. All are welcome.

Thurs., March 15

BREATHE – Counseling Center: Room 5245
Thurs., March 15: 9am-4pm
Join us in the Counseling Center for BREATHE Week’s main event! Visit the Counseling Center and pick up a snack, make jewelry, enjoy arts and crafts, make a stress sock, and pick up handouts on stress management and study skills! FREE!

BREATHE – Pilates: Gym 3025
Thurs., March 15: 12:35-1:25pm
Join us for free pilates. Newcomers welcome.

Winter Choir Concert: First Lutheran Church of Richmond Beach
Thurs., March 15: 7:30-9:30pm
Students are preparing a recital entitled “Poems”. These pieces will strike a chord in a way that only choral music can: through the heart. Pieces will come from a variety of poets including Sara Teasdale, Euan Tait, and Octavio Paz, as well as folk tunes and traditional. Accompanied and a capella alike, we will perform a variety of music in many styles that focus special attention on conveying a lyric or idea. We will also continue our series on the Vivaldi “Gloria” with four additional movements.

First Lutheran Church of Richmond Beach is at 18354 8th Avenue NW
Shoreline, WA 98177

Donations Suggested: $5 for seniors/students and $7 for general admission.

The Laramie Project Performance: Campus Main Theater (1600 Bldg)
Thurs., March 15 – Sat., March 17: 7:30-10:30pm
Tickets at Brown Paper Tickets.

The tragic story of Matthew Shepard made national headlines in 1998. This 21-year-old gay college student was beaten, tied to a fence, and left to die in Laramie, Wyoming. Two men were arrested and charged with kidnapping, aggravated robbery, and attempted first-degree murder for the hate crime. One month later, emotions still raw, director Moisés Kaufman and his team began conducting hundreds of interviews with the people of Laramie. From those interviews came The Laramie Project, a brutally honest and thought-provoking “live documentary” about an outraged nation and a stunned Wyoming town.

One of the past decade’s most performed American plays, and also adapted into a 2002 HBO movie, The Laramie Project is a heart-rending theatrical collage that explores the depths to which humanity can sink as well as the heights of compassion of which we are capable. See the timeless piece at the Shoreline Community College Theater. Directed by Debra Pralle.

Content advisory: This production includes mild sexual themes and descriptions of graphic violence. Children under five will not be admitted.

Tickets at Brown Paper Tickets.

General Admission:  $16
Students (Non-SCC), Seniors, and Staff:  $12
SCC Students, children under 18:  $10

For additional information contact John Nold at 206-546-4728.

Fri., March 16

Small Ensemble Recital: Music Bldg, Room 818
Fri., March 16: 12:30-1:30pm
The Small Ensemble Recital is considered to be a “talent showcase” for our dedicated music students at Shoreline Community College. This is their time to shine in the spotlight and to have an opportunity to perform in front of their peers. Students are chosen by their instructors to perform at the recitals, and the criteria require students to have been involved in a music ensemble throughout the quarter.

This is an invaluable experience for our students to build confidence musically through focused preparation, and the opportunity to perform in front of an audience helps them develop their stage presence. Everyone is welcome to attend in support of our student performers.

BREATHE – Yoga: Gym 3025
Fri., March 16: 12:35-1:25pm
Free yoga – newcomers welcome.

Piano Juries: Music Bldg., Room 818
Fri., March 16: 2:30-4:30pm
Private piano students perform a selected piece before a jury of piano instructors for evaluation. Students hope to receive an Outstanding Performance acknowledgment or an Honorary Performance acknowledgment. Outstanding Performance students will later perform their winning piece at an Honors Recital. Everyone is invited to attend.

Habitat Restoration work party: 2600 Bldg/North Woods
Fri., March 16: 3:30-5pm
Join Shoreline’s Environmental Club for a habitat restoration work party. Rain or shine, we are going to take a break from thinking about final exams and help restore the woods on the north end of Shoreline’s campus. Please join us!

Details: MEET at 3:30 pm at the Greenhouse (next to the 2600 building) for orientation and supplies, then WALK to the North Woods beyond the parking lot and track field. Connect with others as you work together and learn how to restore the woods by identifying and removing invasive species and plant new native plants that will provide habitat and diversity in Shoreline’s forest. BE PROUD of improving the growing natural environment of Shoreline Community College for everyone.

Feel free to contact us for more questions: or
on Facebook.

Sun., March 18

Softball vs. Edmonds: Home at Meridian Park
Sun., March 18: 12-4pm
Come cheer on our Phins as they take on Edmonds Community College in a doubleheader at home at Meridian Park (16765 Wallingford Avenue North, Shoreline). Games are at noon and 2pm. #GoPhins!

Baseball vs. Tacoma: Home at Meridian Park
Sun., March 18: 12-6pm
Come cheer on our Phins as they take on Tacoma Community College in a doubleheader at home at Meridian Park (16765 Wallingford Avenue North, Shoreline). Games are at noon and 3pm. #GoPhins!

Posted in Announcements, Arts & Entertainment, Athletics, Clubs, Events, Volunteer Opportunities

March 9th, 2018 by

Join Shoreline’s Environmental Club for a habitat restoration work party. Rain or shine, we are going to take a break from thinking about final exams and help restore the woods on the north end of Shoreline’s campus. Please join us!

Details: MEET at 3:30 pm at the Greenhouse (next to the 2600 building) for orientation and supplies, then WALK to the North Woods beyond the parking lot and track field. Connect with others as you work together and learn how to restore the woods by identifying and removing invasive species and plant new native plants that will provide habitat and diversity in Shoreline’s forest. BE PROUD of improving the growing natural environment of Shoreline Community College for everyone.

Feel free to contact us for more questions: or
on Facebook.

Posted in Clubs, Events, Volunteer Opportunities

March 8th, 2018 by

Shoreline Community College students have the opportunity to volunteer for New Beginnings on Thurs., March 15 and learn how to get involved and learn more about domestic violence in our community.

New Beginnings provides services to those whose lives have been affected by domestic violence and physical, emotional, or sexual abuse. Some who use their services are in physical danger. Others are living with controlling partners in relationships that are emotionally abusive.

Transportation to New Beginnings is not provided at this time. If anything changes and we are able to provide transportation, an email will be sent to all volunteers.

Register for this volunteer opportunity.

Other items: Volunteers will be asked to fill out a Community Service Application prior to the volunteering date.

For questions please email Jose Vazquez at

Posted in Announcements, Volunteer Opportunities

February 15th, 2018 by

New Beginnings provides services to those whose lives have been affected by domestic violence – physical, emotional, or sexual abuse. Some who use our services are in physical danger. Others are living with controlling partners in relationships that are emotionally abusive.

Shoreline Community College students have the opportunity to volunteer for New Beginnings and learn how to get involved and learn more about domestic violence in our community. Join us for a volunteer event on Thurs., Feb. 22 from 10am-4pm. New Beginnings is at 22901 Edmonds Way, Edmonds, WA 98020.

Transportation: Not provided at this time. If anything changes and we are able to provide transportation, an email will be sent to all volunteers

Other items: Volunteers will be asked to fill out a Community Service Application prior to the volunteering date

For questions, comments or concerns please email Jose Vazquez at

Register to volunteer.

Posted in Announcements, Volunteer Opportunities