Counseling Services is pleased to present Wellness Wednesdays throughout Fall Quarter 2016!
Offerings will include understanding more about:
Time Management – find us in PUB Lobby to ask questions and pick up a few tools!
Test Anxiety
Sexual Consent
National Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week
Domestic Violence – an interactive session In Their Shoes…
Choosing a Major or Career Path
Increasing Happiness
… and look for information later in the quarter about Shoreline’s final exam week pre-funk – BREATHE – on Thursday, December 1.
All events are FREE and open to campus community! Students, staff, and faculty are encouraged to attend!
Questions? Contact Sheryl Copeland at scopeland@shoreline.edu or 206.533.6712.
STOP BY Counseling Services and check out our new digs! FOSS 5245 | 206-546-4594 | www.shoreline.edu/counseling-services