Drop for Non-Payment date will be May 25th, 2022

Dear Students,

The College is aware that some students are having issues with making tuition payments. Due to Shoreline’s recent transition to ctcLink, we have delayed the Drop for Non-Payment process.  Students who have not made a payment as of Wednesday, May 25, 2022, will be Dropped for Non-Payment 

  • If you have not yet paid your tuition, please review the following information for next steps. We strongly encourage you to pay online with ctcLink 
  • If you fall into any of the following categories, you will not be dropped if you have been approved for pending funds and/or a tuition waiver has been approved. Please contact your Advisor if you have any specific questions. 

Additionally, the College will continue to offer federal COVID-19 funds and other emergency aid funds to students who are experiencing emergencies or need assistance to pay tuition and fees. Please contact Shoreline Financial Aid at 206-705-8722 or emergencyaid@shoreline.edu to learn more about these opportunities. 

We are here to support you. Please don’t hesitate to contact us. 


Phillip J. King, Ed.D.
Vice President for Student Learning, Equity, and Success
Shoreline Community College 

May 24th, 2022 by