This Thursday’s Roundtable (9/22): Great Jobs & Careers at Port of Seattle w/ Derek Bender

Thursday, September 22
Shoreline Community College
Bldg 9000, Room 9202
As the economy, industrial growth, and trade on the Pacific Rim all continue to grow, so will job opportunities at the epicenter of where all of this happens in our region:The Port of Seattle!
Additionally, over the next 25 years, it’s predicted by the Port that a total of 300,000 port-related jobs will be added to the region.
Please join Port of Seattle Sr. Employment Representative of HR, Derek Bender for a talk on how to hit the fast track for a Port position, what the Port looks for, and available positions. From less-skilled to admin professional, Derek can talk about the entire range of jobs and careers. As usual, with light refreshments, compliments of Central Market.
Looking forward to seeing you!
And as always – Good Luck Out there!