CURRENT STUDENTS: Share with family and friends who might be perfect for this degree! Right now, businesses everywhere are looking
Posted in Announcements, Courses and Classes
If you previously tried to enroll in a class for fall quarter only to find that it was full, we
Posted in Announcements, Student Communications
Dear Students, Campus will reopen tomorrow, 9/23. All services will resume on campus. To view the College’s regular operating hours
Posted in Announcements, Student Communications
The College is open remotely today, 09/22/22. This means that the physical campus is closed but all campus services for
Posted in Announcements, Student Communications
Dear Students, The College has continued to closely monitor conditions on campus today with regard to air quality as a
Posted in Announcements, Student Communications
Dear Colleagues and Students, Last night (9/19/22) an attempted car prowl was made to an occupied vehicle in the parking lot
Posted in Announcements, Events, Services for Students, Student Communications
As Fall Quarter approaches, do not forget to visit the college calendar page, where you can view the Employee Calendar,
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Shoreline CC offers a study abroad program to Rome, Italy for Spring Quarter 2023! Study Italian Life and Culture, World
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The reflection room in 7000 will be open to the campus community beginning on Wednesday, Sept. 28th. All students, faculty,
Posted in Announcements, Events, Free, Student Life
Dear Students, This is a friendly reminder that tuition for Fall Quarter 2022 is due by Tuesday, September 27.
Posted in Announcements, Services for Students, Student Aid, Student Communications