Share your global story by Nov. 18!

We are kicking off International Education Week with a showcase of global experiences from our very own faculty and staff at Shoreline! What is your global story? It could be your family’s history, countries you have visited, your favorite travel memory, hosting an exchange student, things you have learned from your international experience, or anything else you would like to share. Here below is a preview of stories from Ginger Villanueva and Samira Pardanani and how stories will look like when posting on Facebook and Instagram.  

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If you would like to share your global story, please complete this form ( by Thursday, Nov. 18, 2021. We will start featuring these stories at and Instagram (@shoreline_international) during IEW this week. 

If you prefer to email your submission, you can send the items below to 

  • Your name as you would like it to be displayed. 
  • Your title/position as you would like it to be displayed. 
  • 1-2 paragraphs of your global story. 
  • A photo of yourself to accompany your story. A photo taken during your international experience would be ideal! 
November 15th, 2021 by