July 28th, 2020 by pio@shoreline.edu

Dear Student,

Governor Jay Inslee and Secretary of Health John Wiesman announced changes late last week to Washington’s phased approach to reopening. The changes target activities that data have shown provide a higher risk of COVID-19 exposure.

In addition, Secretary Wiesman announced an expansion of his face coverings order, effective Saturday, July 25. The expansion will require face coverings in all common spaces, such as elevators, hallways, shared spaces, and college housing.

As a reminder, the College will continue remote operations and remote instruction through fall quarter. However, some employees and some professional-technical programs will continue to be pre-authorized to participate in limited on-campus learning.

Please remember that if you are authorized to come to Shoreline’s campus for work or instruction, you will need to wear a mask in all common spaces to comply with the Governor’s order, as well as complete the Campus Access Form and follow all other health protocols appropriate to your level of authorization to be on campus.

Thank you for shifting your behavior to help all of us stay safe!


Cheryl Roberts, Ed.D.
Office of the President

Posted in Announcements Tagged with:

June 30th, 2020 by pio@shoreline.edu

Whether you are enrolled in summer classes or taking a break, you may need to access campus to either pick up or return materials you’ve borrowed from the College, including:

  • Bookstore/textbook orders
  • Laptops or technology equipment
  • Library books
  • Specialized tools for professional-technical programs
  • Artwork
  • Musical instruments
  • Personal items

For your safety and convenience, we are offering contactless curbside pickup/drop-off appointments Tuesday, June 30 through Thursday, August 20.  

To schedule your appointment, submit an online appointment request form at least 48 hours before you plan to come to campus, and a Shoreline employee will contact you via phone to confirm your appointment and provide you with details.

To pick up or return materials, you must schedule an appointment. Please do not come to campus for this purpose without an appointment. Your cooperation will help us ensure the highest level of safety for our community during the COVID-19 pandemic.

If you have any questions or concerns about this program, please call (206) 546-5863.

Best regards,
Phillip J. King
Vice President for Student Learning

Posted in Announcements Tagged with:

May 4th, 2020 by pio@shoreline.edu

Message from the President

I can hardly believe we’re nearly halfway through spring quarter. Although this quarter has unfolded in ways none of us could have expected, I do hope your classes are going well and that you are staying healthy at home. I am proud of you for learning remotelyfinding the services you needstaying determined to follow your hopes and dreams, and believing in Shoreline as the place to realize them.  

“Stay at Home, Stay Healthy” Order Remains in Effect 

With the Governor’s recent update to the “Stay at Home, Stay Healthy” order, our campus will continue to operate remotely at least through May 31. That means you should continue to avoid the physical campus this quarter. Instead, I hope you are connecting with our staff and services by phone, email, and live chat. 

Planning for Summer & Fall Classes 

While some of our planning is still evolving, I wanted to share with you what we know as of today to help you begin planning for future quarters: 

  • Summer registration opens May 11-18 (please watch for an email this week about registering; the class schedule is now available) 
  • Summer classes will be online and will begin on June 29 
  • Fall registration opens May 25-June 1 
  • Fall classes will be predominantly onlinewith few exceptions, and will begin on September 23 

Because the pandemic is a fluid situation, we are doing our best to determine when we will be able to safely bring more in-person classes and services back to the campus. I realize this creates some uncertainty in your life, and I appreciate your flexibility and patience during this time. We will continue to update you as changes develop. 

Please know that all of the faculty and staff at Shoreline are rooting for your success and your best interests are at the heart of all we do. Phins up! All in! 

With care and appreciation, 

Cheryl Roberts, Ed.D. 


Posted in Announcements Tagged with:

April 15th, 2020 by pio@shoreline.edu

Dear Student,   

Spring quarter is a joyous time and the annual Commencement ceremony is a Shoreline tradition we look forward to each year.  

Based on input from leaders in Associated Student Government, the Arts & Entertainment Board, and the College’s Executive Team, I have made the difficult decision to shift to a Virtual Commencement Ceremony on June 20, 2020. This year’s graduates are also invited to be recognized in person at the 2021 Commencement Ceremony next June, if they desire. The spring graduation application deadline has also been adjusted to April 30 to provide students with more time to apply.

These changes were made with the health and safety of all our graduates and their guests in mind, following current public health guidanceAfter reviewing several proposals for this year’s ceremony, including postponing the event to fall or to next springwe received feedback that a spring virtual ceremony with the help of a company called Marching Order would be the best path forward. 

I know that not having an in-person ceremony may feel like a loss to some and we share your disappointment in not being able to carry out this special event the same way we have done for over 50 yearsI recognize many students are the first in their families to graduate or are completing their high school requirements after tremendous hurdles, and all of our students have worked very hard to reach this point in their education. 

Each student is deserving of a meaningful celebration to mark this milestone in their life and this year will be no different. We have an opportunity to make new traditions together this JunePlease watch for additional information about Commencement in the coming weeks and if you are in your final quarter at Shoreline, remember to apply for graduation by April 30. 

Stay well as you continue learning this spring term!  

With care,  

Cheryl Roberts, Ed.D. 


Posted in Announcements, Events Tagged with:

April 10th, 2020 by pio@shoreline.edu

Message from the President

As we complete our first week of spring quarter, I’m grateful for your flexibility and grace as we all learn and work in this new online environment. The preparation this week will serve us well as we start instruction on Monday. We are here for students in myriad ways to support your academic, physical, and emotional well-being. 

Emergency Aid Still Available for Spring 

  • If you are having any difficulty paying for tuition, fees, food, housing, technology, health care, childcare, or emergency expenses this quarter, please know the College has many funding options to help you at this time! This includes some new federal emergency COVID-19-related funding that we’ll be ready to disperse in the coming weeks.  
  • We encourage you to apply for emergency assistance and spring quarter scholarships now through the Shoreline Community College Foundation (scholarships@shoreline.edu, 206-533-6783). 

Tutoring Services & Learning Support Centers 

  • One-on-one tutoring will be available as usual through Tutoring Services, but all sessions will take place online via Zoom. All 75 tutors are trained and ready to support students via Zoom and all paper tutoring forms have been digitized for online submission. Matching students with tutors will begin April 15. 
  • Drop-in assistance will be available online via Zoom with tutors for the following Learning Support Centers: Biology & Chemistry, Physics, and Computer Science & Engineering. For questions or more information, please contact pttutors@shoreline.edu. 

Preparing for Online Success 

  • As of today, 3,691 students have completed the Smarter Measure assessment of the “Getting Ready for Online Learning – Spring 2020” training. You can still take the Smarter Measure part of the training anytime throughout the quarter.  
  • If you have questions about online learning, our eLearning Services staff is ready to help you anytime. 

I hope you take time this weekend to enjoy the spring weather being mindful of appropriate social distancingI’m so thankful for your preparation to ensure you have a great start to building community through your learning. 

With care and appreciation, 

Cheryl Roberts, Ed.D. 


Posted in Announcements Tagged with:

April 7th, 2020 by pio@shoreline.edu

Message from the President

As we continue to follow the “Stay at Home, Stay Healthy” order, our state is beginning to reap some of the benefits: the number of new cases in our state is not climbing as rapidly as some projections had shown. However, now is not the time to let up. These days, it’s even more important now than ever for us to maintain our social distancing to ensure we continue to “flatten the curve.” Here are some updates to help you through your week. 

How can I ensure I’m using Zoom successfully (and safely)? 

Many of you will be using Zoom video conferencing software regularly in your classes or in your work or personal life. We know that some people have expressed concerns about the safety and security of using Zoom, and College employees have been provided resources for how to best use this tool for class sessions and meetings. If you have additional questions about Zoom, here are a few resources: 

What should I do if I’m experiencing financial distress and may not be able to afford school? 

If you’re experiencing financial challenges that prevent you from being successful this quarter, please reach out directly to our Financial Aid staff before you withdraw from classes or make any changes or decisions.  

We have many resources to help you pay for things like tuition, fees, food, housing, course materials, technology, health care, and childcare and other emergency expenses. We do not want these concerns to stand in your way of completing your educational goals and we are here to help.  

Additionally, OneAmerica has resources, guidance, and funding for undocumented students, and the Employment Security Department resources for students who have been laid off or are recently are unemployed. 

If I’m feeling overwhelmed, where can I go for emotional support? 

As we begin the quarter and the usual stress associated with those endeavors, I hope you’ll be mindful of taking good care of yourself and noticing if you need support. Reaching out for support is a sign of strength and self-awareness. The Counseling Center is a free, confidential resource students are encouraged to use to ensure you stay emotionally healthy during these uncertain times. 

Thank you for entrusting our caring faculty and staff with your learning as you reach for your educational goals at Shoreline! 

With care and appreciation, 

Cheryl Roberts, Ed.D. 


Posted in Announcements Tagged with:

April 6th, 2020 by pio@shoreline.edu

Message from the President

Welcome to spring quarter! We are beginning this quarter differently than we anticipated at the start of this academic year, as the College is now operating remotely through May 4 in response to the COVID-19 emergency. And, as you may have heard, the Governor confirmed today that K-12 schools will not return to in-person instruction for the remainder of the school year, which impacts many families among our students and employees.

We know these changes are not easy, but please know the staff and faculty of the College are focused on helping you pursue your educational goals so you can move toward a positive future.

What are students and faculty doing to prepare for online instruction? 

This week begins our online training for students and faculty. You received information on Friday about how to access the training in Canvas and many of you have already started or completed it today. Some students encountered issues accessing the training due to a technical error and we informed you that it should be corrected by tomorrow morning. If you have any issues with Canvas, please contact eLearning Services (elearning@shoreline.edu, 206-546-6966).

What College resources are available to students this spring? 

  • There is a new COVID Student Resource page on the website, which provides updated information and resources to help you navigate this quarter.
  • The Counseling Center is available for remote appointments to help you manage any stress or anxiety you may be feeling right now.
  • Free intramural wellness classes start on April 13 via zoom if you are looking for a way to exercise or meditate in between classes.

Should I wear a mask in public? 

U.S. public health officials have recently updated their recommendations for wearing masks or cloth face coverings in public. If you choose to wear a mask, there are a few important tips to remember. While masks alone may not necessarily protect you from getting sick, they can be worn to help protect others. Wearing a mask should be done in conjunction with other precautions such as frequent hand washing and maintaining a 6-foot distance from others. Masks are dirty after being worn and they should be washed immediately after use (if reusable) and you should sanitize your hands after disposing of them.

What are some things I should remember while managing stress or anxiety? 

Here are a few self-care tips to keep in mind as you enter this new quarter:

  • You are not “studying from home,” you are “at your home, during a crisis, trying to study.”
  • Your personal physical, mental, and emotional health is far more important than anything else right now.
  • Be kind to yourself and try not to judge how you are coping based on how you see others coping.
  • Your success will not be measured in the same way it was when things were normal.

As a college community, we have shown great resiliency during the unbridled challenges associated with our public health emergency and I’m so grateful to each of you. We still need to be aware of the toll these changes have on our lives. I hope you’ll explore these self-care strategies, as well as others, to sustain yourself as you complete your studies this quarter.

With care,

Cheryl Roberts, Ed.D.


Posted in Announcements Tagged with:

April 3rd, 2020 by pio@shoreline.edu

Message from the President

With the “Stay Home, Stay Healthy” order extended through May 4, everyone – even people who are young and healthy – must stay home to slow the spread of the COVID-19 virus. We should avoid non-essential contact with others; limit our trips to public places; keep a 6-foot distance from others when we are in public; and wash our hands with soap frequently and avoid touching our faces. 

Where can students find information about what to expect for spring quarter, now that the campus is remote? 

Please refer to the new Spring Quarter Student Resources web page to help you navigate the start of spring quarter, including how to reach our services, dates and deadlines, online learning resources, and more! 

What do students need to do the first week of the quarter (April 6-10)?  

Check your Shoreline email or Canvas to begin your mandatory online training on Monday, April 6 to get ready for a successful quarter online. Your class instruction will begin on Monday, April 13. 

What should students do if they are facing new financial challenges related to COVID-19? 

Keep in mind that Shoreline has many different funding options if you are facing financial hardship right now. We can help cover many expenses, including tuition, fees, food, housing, course materials, technology, health care, and childcare, and emergency expenses. Please reach out to our Financial Aid office right away to see how we can help. 

As we prepare for the start of our final quarter of the year, I hope you know there are dedicated faculty, staff, and administrators ready to inspire, teach, serve, and support you on Monday and throughout spring termAt Shoreline, when we come together as a community, good things happen for you, our students.  

Have a restful weekend; spring quarter starts Monday! 

With care, 

Cheryl Roberts, Ed.D. 


Posted in Announcements Tagged with:

April 2nd, 2020 by pio@shoreline.edu

Message from the President

As you may have heard this afternoon, the Governor extended the “Stay Home, Stay Healthy” order in our state through May 4This means that we should be remaining at home except when we need to do an essential activity, such as buying food or going to a doctor’s appointment.  

With our spring classes already transitioned to online instruction and our campus operating remotely, we are well prepared to weather this storm a little longer so that we can all do our part to help reduce the spread of this virus. Here are a few updates to help you prepare for the start of spring quarter next week. 

What should students do on Monday, April 6, the first day of the quarter? 

All students will take mandatory eLearning training during the first week of the quarter called “Getting Ready for Online Learning” to help them be successful in a fully online environment. The training is designed to help both students who are new to online learning and those who have taken an online class beforeStudents will spend at least 5 hours in the training and will receive an email on Friday, April 3 with instructions about how to complete it throughout the week. 

Between April 6-9, staff in our eLearning Services and Technology Support Services will also offer daily video chat support sessions and will have extended service hours from 8 a.m.-8 p.m. to help students with their questions. 

What if students don’t have access to a computer or the internet?  

  • Laptops – We have laptops for students who need themStudents may borrow a laptop for the entire spring quarter on a first-come, first-served basis, with priority consideration for students who do not otherwise have a device to access online classes. Laptops will be mailed to student addresses when they email elearning@shoreline.edu and provide the following information: First and last name; Student ID number; Whether you need a laptop or webcam; Mailing address; Proof of registration in a spring 2020 class. 
  • Internet Access  Students in need of internet access may find several free and low-cost options by contacting their mobile phone or home internet provider. For example, Comcast has made their Wi-Fi hotspots free and is offering temporary free home access to some low-income customers. T-Mobile is supplying free data to allow customers to use their phones as an internet hotspot. 

How do students order textbooks if the Bookstore is not open?  

All textbook and course materials may be ordered online at the Follett Bookstore websiteThe Bookstore is offering free shipping on all orders except those delivered to the states of Alaska, Hawaii, and international countries. 

Is there a New Student Orientation for spring quarter? 

Yes, our orientation has moved online! Students who are new to Shoreline this quarter are invited to visit the New Student Orientation web page, which will lead them through a self-paced Orientation module online. The first week of the quarter is perfect time for new students to go through the Orientation so they learn what resources are available to support them at Shoreline. (Please note that new international students already attended a separate virtual orientation for spring quarter and do not need to complete this one). 

What else could I be doing to help my community while I am staying home? 

Just because we have to stay apart doesn’t mean we can’t stand together. Now, more than ever, we need to count on each other for help, support, and understanding. No matter who you are, what you do as an individual impacts the health of the entire community, and what we do as a community impacts all of us as individuals. You should: 

  • Stay connected. Staying physically apart does not mean losing connections to family, friends, and community. Set up calls with those you regularly see in person. Call, email, and text friends and acquaintances to ask how they’re doing and how you can help. 
  • Support local businesses. If desired, order meals for delivery or pick-up. Look for small businesses that can ship online orders for the things you need. 
  • Be a good neighbor. Put together an email list for your apartment building, neighborhood, and friends and family. It makes it easier for people to contact and support each other.  

Although we are staying at home longer, please remember you are not alone. All college students and employees in our state are going through this unique and unparalleled experience. We are all in this together, and we’ll get through this together. 

With care, 

Cheryl Roberts, Ed.D. 


Posted in Announcements Tagged with:

April 1st, 2020 by pio@shoreline.edu

Message from the President

It may be Spring Break, but our caring staff is still here for you each day! Though our campus buildings are closed through at least April 24, we are working hard each day to prepare for a new quarter. Here are today’s updates: 

How will I access services at the College in spring quarter? 

Our staff is ready to support you remotely! We are available to students and the public during business hours via phone, email, and video appointments.  

To contact other campus departments, you can: 

Does the federal government’s stimulus package provide any relief for college students? 

In a spot of positive news, the recently passed federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) provides budgetary relief to higher education institutions through the Education Stabilization Fund. Shoreline Community College, along with colleges and universities across the nation, will receive some direct financial support for students who are having difficulties paying for tuition, food, housing, course materials, technology, health care, or childcare. Some funding will also be available to support college operations during this crisis. More information about these funds, including how students can access this aid, will be shared in the coming week as we learn more. 

What are some ways I can stay connected to my family and friends while social distancing?  

As we continue to “stay home, stay healthy,” many people are finding creative ways to connect socially through technology while staying physically apart. Setting up video callsusing social media, and playing multi-player video games can help you reduce stress and connect with friends and loved ones from afar. Some social platforms like Houseparty have gained popularity in recent weeks, as they allow users to video chat and play games together. However, with all technology, the safety and privacy of different online tools varies widely, so we need to be smart about investigating apps before downloading, setting strong passwords, and adjusting privacy settings to ensure that our chats and games are secure. 

Looking forward to starting spring quarter together! 

With care, 

Cheryl Roberts, Ed.D. 


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