World Events that hit home: You are supported at Shoreline

Dear students,

Shoreline College Community stands with and among those impacted by various world tragedies and events. The mental and physical wellness of our entire college community is a priority that cannot be overstated. As we grapple with the various acts of violence, unrest, and natural disaster in our local community and across the United States, we acknowledge as an institution with an international footprint here and abroad that global affairs also have an impact on our community’s well-being.

Our reach to spread the value of knowledge, community, and educational justice can sometimes feel limiting. There are multiple events happening simultaneously and as the four of us discussed this memo, we wanted to be mindful of the effects of sending multiple communications around heart-heavy issues that may cause harm to or trigger members of the community. We were also very intentional not to minimize the impact of any event by discussing them together.  We hope you will extend grace to us, as our goal is to assist in making Shoreline CC a place where values of inclusion, safety, and support are prioritized 


We see the devastation created by natural disasters with the recent earthquake in Turkey and Syria. Our college community is impacted by this shocking event. Families are devastated by the loss of life, homes, jobs, and community. We have the power to advocate for equitable rehabilitation and individually have the power to help by researching ways to donate time, money, and energy, and we encourage you to find a way to help that reflects your best ability to support those internationally and those right here on campus. 

While the memo could end here, we also see the political unrest play out in the news, which has a direct impact on members of our community. The most recent example is the “Chinese Balloon” and the implications for our Asian and Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) communities are a concern. We know when the rhetoric grows so do instances of hate crimes. In Washington today, Dr Kahn noticed some of this rhetoric in a presentation he attended and believed it important to raise the flag of awareness now to ensure safety and that we proactively stand up for our Asian and Asian American colleagues and students.  

We bear witness to much pain and trauma as a result of the diminishing emphasis on humanity. As an educational institution, it’s our obligation to protect humanity as a mechanism to advance knowledge, civic engagement and workforce preparation. We can serve as a beacon to other communities during these times of perpetual harm locally and abroad.  

We will continue to show up in this space individually and collectively to actualize our community standard: Shoreline Community College is a place for students, employees, and the community to pursue excellence in education in an environment dedicated to equity, inclusiveness, and self-reflection. We value respectful, dynamic interactions and lively discussion. We strive to create an environment where everyone is supported and valued. Shoreline Community College does not tolerate hateful, violent, or discriminatory actions that target any person or group based on their beliefs, customs, identity, or affiliations. When one of us is diminished, all of us are diminished. 

Should you or someone you know need support, please do not hesitate to connect with the follow resources:   


Employees may access services and support at any time through the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) at 877-313-4455 (as provided by the Diversity Equity Officers Commission). Their service is confidential and free. We urge you to keep this number readily available in the event you or a colleague need to lean into this level of support. The EAP is available and here for you, should you or a family member want or need support. As a reminder, the EAP offers the following:  

·         Problem assessment and short-term counseling  

·         Referrals to providers and community resources  

·         Webinars  

·         Resources  

·         Critical Incident Response  


Employees are also encouraged to contact Shoreline’s CARE team should you identify a student in need of support.  


Students may access the following services:   

·         International students who need support are also encouraged to reach out to the International Education department. 

·         If you are experiencing distress related to this, please reach out to the Counseling Center for support. 

·         In addition, for emergency counseling, referral, or assistance 24-hours/day and 7-days/week, please call:   

o    National Suicide Prevention Lifeline | 800-273-8255  

o    King County: Crisis Connections (Crisis Line) | 866-427-4747  

o    Snohomish County: Volunteers of America Care Crisis Response Services (Crisis Line) | 800-584-3578  

o    Lifeline Crisis Chat: Go to  

o    Crisis Text Line: Text 741741  

o    911 (for immediate health-related emergencies) 



Jack Kahn, President

Melanie Dixon, Vice President of Diversity Equity and Inclusion,

Samira,Pardanani, Associate Vice President of International Education and Global Engagement

Yushin Wung, Manager International Student Engagement

February 7th, 2023 by