Category: Events

May 12th, 2021 by
The current graduates of Shoreline’s Fine Arts program exhibit the finest samples of their work in painting, drawing, design, ceramics, photography, and sculpture. The Shoreline Community College Art Gallery is proud to present this group exhibition of up-and-coming artists to the greater Seattle arts community. View the virtual exhibit. The artwork in this virtual exhibition represents the culmination of two years of hard work and creativity. It is inspiring to see the quality and integrity of their work and to know that our students have developed conceptual and technical skills that will help them realize their goals. Many of the students represented in this show have completed the requirements for an Associate of Fine Arts degree, a two-year program of study and creative development in the visual arts. Shoreline has two AFA degree tracks, one in Studio Arts and one in Photography. We wish our students all the best in the next chapter of their journey and hope you enjoy seeing their most recent scholarly and artistic accomplishments. The current graduates of Shoreline’s Fine Arts program exhibit the finest samples of their work in painting, drawing, design, ceramics, photography, and sculpture. The Shoreline Community College Art Gallery is proud to present this group exhibition of up-and-coming artists to the greater Seattle arts community. View the virtual exhibit. The artwork in this virtual exhibition represents the culmination of two years of hard work and creativity. It is inspiring to see the quality and integrity of their work and to know that our students have developed conceptual and technical skills that will help them realize their goals. Many of the students represented in this show have completed the requirements for an Associate of Fine Arts degree, a two-year program of study and creative development in the visual arts. Shoreline has two AFA degree tracks, one in Studio Arts and one in Photography. We wish our students all the best in the next chapter of their journey and hope you enjoy seeing their most recent scholarly and artistic accomplishments.

Posted in Announcements, Arts & Entertainment, Events, Free

May 6th, 2021 by

The following email was recently sent to all students eligible for graduation:

Hello Class of 2021,

We are so excited to congratulate you for reaching this important milestone! Please read this message carefully, as it includes important information to prepare for this year’s Commencement ceremony.

Virtual Ceremony 

We have made the difficult decision to host our Commencement ceremony online on Saturday, June 19. We know that not having an in-person ceremony may feel like a loss to some and we share your disappointment in not being able to celebrate this special event face to face. We acknowledge that a virtual ceremony is still the safest way to gather, and it allows us to include those of you who live in different states or countries. Our hope is that our virtual format (offered through Marching Order) will encourage all graduates, near and far, to safely celebrate their achievements with families and friends!

Campus Drive-Thru Celebration 

For those who are able, you are invited to participate in an optional drive-thru celebration in our campus parking lot on Saturday, June 19, after the virtual ceremony concludes. Attendees will receive memorabilia, such as a diploma cover and small gifts, and be cheered on by faculty and staff from the safety and distance of a vehicle. If you are unable to attend, we will mail your memorabilia at no cost.

Follow These Steps to Prepare for Commencement: 

  1. Apply to Graduate
    If your last quarter of classes was fall or winter` 2020 or will be spring or summer 2021, you  must apply to graduate in order to get your diploma or to participate in Commencement 2021. If you have not yet applied, please do so now.
  2. Sign up for the Ceremony 
    Please watch for a separate email from Marching Order that will instruct you on how to create  an official slide for the virtual ceremony that is customized with your photo and personal  message (which you can also download and share on social media). You will also be asked to  indicate if you are interested in participating in the drive-thru celebration. Submissions are due by Wednesday, May 26.
  3. Order Your Cap & Gown (Optional)  
    Caps and gowns are not required to participate in Commencement, but we are offering them for  purchase. To order, visit by May 24 for U.S. shipping and May 16 for  campus pick up. Sadly, we are unable to offer international shipping.
  4. Nominate a Faculty or Student Speaker 
    Consider nominating a fellow student and/or faculty member to speak at this year’s ceremony.  We especially want to lift up individuals whose academic or personal experiences reflect  the  diversity of backgrounds represented on our campus. Submissions are due by Friday, May 7.

In the coming weeks, we will also update the Commencement web page with more event details. If you have any questions or concerns, please e-mail

Each of you has worked very hard and navigated tremendous hurdles to reach this point in your education. You are all deserving of a meaningful celebration to mark this milestone, and this year will be no different!


The Shoreline Community College Commencement Committee

Posted in Announcements, Events

April 27th, 2021 by
DATE Wednesday, April 28, 2021
TIME 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm PDT
WHERE YouTube Live Stream…


Facilitated Shoreline’s very own Irene Ferrante, an instructor in the Business Department. Irene has designed a presentation to help our students create, develop, and maintain their digital profile. She will talk about the importance of branding and how one can market themselves while staying true to who they are. This event will stream live on the Ray Howard Library’s YouTube channel on April 28 at 2pm. Attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions and get to know one of Shoreline’s new addition to our campus community.

Posted in Announcements, Events

April 13th, 2021 by

The survey will now close at 11:59 p.m. on Wednesday, April 14. If you haven’t already provided your input, please do so today!

Dear students, faculty, and staff,

The Commencement 2021 Committee would like to invite you to submit nominations for student and faculty speakers. We are looking for speakers whose journeys and/or roles on campus authentically speak to and reflect the student experience. We will consider all nominations submitted before the priority deadline of May 7th.

Access the nomination form and watch for more information about this year’s commencement ceremony on the Commencement web page.

Please email any questions to Thank you!

Posted in Announcements, Events

April 5th, 2021 by

Dear students, faculty, and staff,

The Commencement 2021 Committee would like to invite you to submit nominations for student and faculty speakers. We are looking for speakers whose journeys and/or roles on campus authentically speak to and reflect the student experience. We will consider all nominations submitted before the priority deadline of May 7th.

Access the nomination form and watch for more information about this year’s commencement ceremony on the Commencement web page.

Please email any questions to Thank you!

Posted in Announcements, Events

March 26th, 2021 by

Enjoy music from the Shoreline Community College Band, learn about resources and programs (such as King County Public Health, and Al-Anon), try some yoga, and win prizes!

Join us on Zoom at

Learn more.

Posted in Announcements, Athletics, Events, Free

January 4th, 2021 by

All students are invited to learn about Shoreline Community College’s great campus resources! Drop in and find out how to make the most of your Shoreline experience. You can also enter for a chance to win a $50 Amazon gift card!

Learn more!

Decorative image with heading "Virtual Resource Fair" and event description

Posted in Announcements, Events, Services for Students

November 2nd, 2020 by
Please join the International Education Department in celebrating International Education Week (IEW) 2020 virtually this year! IEW is a joint initiative between the U.S. Departments of State and Education. IEW advocates for exchanges that encourage awareness, diversity, and discovery. We look forward to seeing you at the #IEW2020 events!
  1. Photo Contest: The theme is “New Hobby”. Open to everyone to submit and vote by liking on Instagram @shoreline_international. Only current Shoreline students are eligible to win the prizes. Submit your photo at before Sunday, November 15th by 11:59 PM.
  • Flag Trivia: Tuesday, Nov. 17th at 6:00 PM. Join Zoom (ID: 206 546 4697) from your laptop so you can join the trivia on Kahoot from your phone to test your knowledge of world flags!
  • Virtual Cuisine: Share a popular recipe from your culture and submit pictures and/or a short video to before Sunday, November 15th by 11:59 PM. International Student Leaders will turn the submissions into Instagram stories and post on November 17th.
  • Folklore Panel: Wednesday, Nov. 18th at 6:00-7:30 PM. Join Zoom (ID: 206 546 4697) to hear folk tales from different countries and regions of the U.S. shared by Honors College students.
  • Language Pods: Thursday, Nov. 19th at 6:00-8:00 PM. Drop into Zoom (ID: 206 546 4697) breakout rooms for Language Pods in Arabic, Bahasa, Chinese, French, German, Punjabi, Korean, Japanese, Spanish, and Vietnamese. There will also be recommended playlist of songs in those languages.
  • Study Abroad Fair: Friday, Nov. 20th at 12:00-2:00 PM (Zoom ID: 206 546 4697). The Washington Community College Consortium for Study Abroad (WCCCSA) will share five study abroad programs for 2021 and scholarship opportunities.
You may find the overall event flyer, individual event flyers, and IEW themed Zoom virtual background pictures at the View Only link below. Please feel free to download, use and share! Please also check out the #IEW2020 Facebook event page ( or IE’s Instagram (@shoreline_international). Feel free to share or tag us in your #IEW2020 social media posts!

Posted in Announcements, Events, Free

October 15th, 2020 by
We are excited to be a Host Institution for this year’s Global Conference on Sustainability in Higher Education, a virtual conference taking place October 20-22. GCSHE offers 3 full days of live content and networking, plus thirty days of on-demand access (through November 22). As a Host Institution, we have unlimited registration passes for our campus only, as well as unique opportunities to be recognized for our commitment to sustainability. Sign up using the instructions below to gain free access to this great event: 1.  Click HERE to register. a. If you are a Presenter or Student Presenter, use the Presenter link provided in your acceptance email and add the Discount Code to receive free registration. 2. Fill out all the relevant fields. a. Use your institutional email address only.  The Discount Code is linked to your institution’s email domain (,  Other email addresses (such as Gmail, Outlook, or Yahoo) will not work with the Discount Code. 3. On the Submit Payment page, enter the following Discount Code: SHORELINEEDU100220 4. This will drop your total to $0.00. 5. Complete your registration. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to Marek Wyzgowski at We hope you will be able to join us as we explore, reexamine, and re-envision sustainability in higher education.

Posted in Announcements, Events, Free

October 8th, 2020 by

A graduate kisses their diploma.
Join us for Imagine Possible, Shoreline Community College Foundation’s 23rd Annual Student Success Fundraiser!  Hosted by Jim Dever of King5 Evening, it will be a fun evening with performances by soul recording artist Andy Stokes, Jeffrey Kashiwa, the Shoreline Choir, and powerful personal stories.

This year’s inspirational event will be live streamed Tuesday, October 20th from 7:00 p.m. – 8:15 p.m. So grab a festive beverage, tune in at, and enjoy the evening.

To attend, please go to: Tickets are free. All donations go to financial support for Shoreline Community College students.

Posted in Events, Scholarships