May 16th, 2016 by
![OB workshops-02[8]](
Posted in Announcements, Arts & Entertainment, Events, Free, Workshops Tagged with: adrienne maree brown, community read, gabriel teodros, octavias brood, sci-fi, walidah imarisha
April 6th, 2016 by

The English Department, in association with student government, is sponsoring a writing contest inspired by Octavia’s Brood, our Community Read book this year. We’re soliciting submissions of stories in the genre of visionary science fiction. There will be prizes in two categories—short-short story (300-900 words) and short story (900-3,000 words). Please see the flyer above for more details. Open to Shoreline Community College students.
Posted in Announcements, ASG, Free Tagged with: community read, english department, octavias brood, writing contest
March 9th, 2016 by
These are the events happening around campus Tues., March 8. BREATHE before finals events are listed separately here.
Zika Virus: Science and Pregnancy, Nursing Bldg., Room 2308
Wed., March 9: 11:30 a.m. – 12:20 p.m.

The World Health Organization declared a “public health emergency of international concern” on February 1 over the Zika virus and the health problems that doctors fear it is causing. Zika virus is spread to people through mosquito bites. Of particular concern are reports of pregnant women giving birth to babies with birth defects and poor pregnancy outcomes as a result of contracting the virus.
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has issued travel notices for people traveling to regions and certain countries where Zika virus transmission is ongoing.
• What is Zika virus and what do we know about it?
• Is there a vaccine to prevent or medicine to treat Zika?
• Why is contracting the Zika virus dangerous for pregnant women?
• Will a woman’s future pregnancies be at risk?
• Do we in the Pacific Northwest need to worry about Zika virus?
Join us for a discussion of the Zika virus, and its possible side effects, especially for pregnant women, with:
• Judy Penn, Professor (Microbiology)
• Hermien Watkins, Professor Emeritus (Nursing)
Community Read of Octavia’s Brood, PUB 9208
Wed., March 9: 12:30-1:40 p.m.

Join us Wed., March 9 at 12:30 p.m. for our final meeting of the Community Read of Octavia’s Brood.
This week we’ll be discussing the stories: Star Ware and the American Imagination, The Only Lasting Truth, Outro.
Don’t know what Community Read is? Read on:
Each year a new book is selected for our Community Book Read. Together we share our impressions and ideas. Weekly analyses of the text are led by a variety of college volunteers, bringing with them their unique backgrounds, expertise and perspectives. This keeps the discussion fresh, lively and relevant.
This year’s book is Octavia’s Brood: Science Fiction Stories from Social Justice Movements. Octavia’s Brood is a collection of social justice-themed science fiction stories that feature things like time travel, shape shifting, dystopian worlds, re-imaginings of “model minorities” and the possibilities of using visionary fiction to develop new ideas of future worlds. The works are inspired by the writings of Octavia Butler, an award-winning science fiction writer (Kindred, Parable of the Sower, and Lilith’s Brood) who lived in Lake Forest Park before her death in 2006.
Intramural Yoga, Athletics Room 3025
Wed., March 9: 12:35-1:25 p.m.
Take time out from studying for finals to rejuvenate and build core strength. Free to students, faculty, and staff.
Baseball vs. Grays Harbor, Away at Bellevue
Wed., March 9: 1-5 p.m.
Wish our Phins Baseball team well as they take on Grays Harbor away. #GoPhins!
Softball vs. Green River, Away at Kent
Wed., March 9: 2-6 p.m.
Wish our Phins Softball team well as they take on Green River away. #GoPhins!
Posted in Announcements, Arts & Entertainment, Athletics, Events, Free, Workshops Tagged with: campus events, community read, gac presents, intramurals, octavias brood, zika
February 1st, 2016 by

Join us Wed., Feb. 3 at 12:40 p.m. for our weekly meeting of the Community Read of Octavia’s Brood. We meet on Wednesdays in the PUB 9208 from 12:40-1:40 p.m.
This week we’ll be discussing the stories: Small and Bright, In Spite of Darkness, Hollow.
Don’t know what Community Read is? Read on:
Each year a new book is selected for our Community Book Read. Together we share our impressions and ideas. Weekly analyses of the text are led by a variety of college volunteers, bringing with them their unique backgrounds, expertise and perspectives. This keeps the discussion fresh, lively and relevant.
This year’s book is Octavia’s Brood: Science Fiction Stories from Social Justice Movements. Octavia’s Brood is a collection of social justice-themed science fiction stories that feature things like time travel, shape shifting, dystopian worlds, re-imaginings of “model minorities” and the possibilities of using visionary fiction to develop new ideas of future worlds. The works are inspired by the writings of Octavia Butler, an award-winning science fiction writer (Kindred, Parable of the Sower, and Lilith’s Brood) who lived in Lake Forest Park before her death in 2006.
The entire campus community is invited to read and discuss the stories inside Octavia’s Brood during winter quarter. Students will be able to receive a FREE copy of the book after signing up!
You can explore the book, its message and its authors at the library’s learning guide here.
You can find more information and a link to sign up on the SLC web page and you can also sign up to join the read here.
Posted in Announcements, Clubs, Events, Free, Workshops Tagged with: community read, octavias brood
January 26th, 2016 by

Join us Wed., Jan. 26 at 12:40 p.m. for our second meeting of the Community Read of Octavia’s Brood. We’ll meet weekly on Wednesdays in the PUB 9208 from 12:40-1:40 p.m.
This week we’ll be discussing the stories: Evidence, Black Angel, and The Long Memory.
Don’t know what Community Read is? Read on:
Each year a new book is selected for our Community Book Read. Together we share our impressions and ideas. Weekly analyses of the text are led by a variety of college volunteers, bringing with them their unique backgrounds, expertise and perspectives. This keeps the discussion fresh, lively and relevant.
This year’s book is Octavia’s Brood: Science Fiction Stories from Social Justice Movements. Octavia’s Brood is a collection of social justice-themed science fiction stories that feature things like time travel, shape shifting, dystopian worlds, re-imaginings of “model minorities” and the possibilities of using visionary fiction to develop new ideas of future worlds. The works are inspired by the writings of Octavia Butler, an award-winning science fiction writer (Kindred, Parable of the Sower, and Lilith’s Brood) who lived in Lake Forest Park before her death in 2006.
The entire campus community is invited to read and discuss the stories inside Octavia’s Brood during winter quarter. Students will be able to receive a FREE copy of the book after signing up!
You can explore the book, its message and its authors at the library’s learning guide here.
You can find more information and a link to sign up on the SLC web page and you can also sign up to join the read here.
Posted in Announcements, Events, Free Tagged with: community read, octavias brood
January 19th, 2016 by

Join us Wed., Jan. 20 at 12:30 p.m. for the first meeting of the Community Read of Octavia’s Brood. We’ll meet weekly on Wednesdays in the PUB 9208 from 12:30-1:30 p.m.
Don’t know what Community Read is? Read on:
Each year a new book is selected for our Community Book Read. Together we share our impressions and ideas. Weekly analyses of the text are led by a variety of college volunteers, bringing with them their unique backgrounds, expertise and perspectives. This keeps the discussion fresh, lively and relevant.
This year’s book is Octavia’s Brood: Science Fiction Stories from Social Justice Movements. Octavia’s Brood is a collection of social justice-themed science fiction stories that feature things like time travel, shape shifting, dystopian worlds, re-imaginings of “model minorities” and the possibilities of using visionary fiction to develop new ideas of future worlds. The works are inspired by the writings of Octavia Butler, an award-winning science fiction writer (Kindred, Parable of the Sower, and Lilith’s Brood) who lived in Lake Forest Park before her death in 2006.
The entire campus community is invited to read and discuss the stories inside Octavia’s Brood during winter quarter. Students will be able to receive a FREE copy of the book after signing up!
You can explore the book, its message and its authors at the library’s learning guide here.
You can find more information and a link to sign up on the SLC web page and you can also sign up to join the read here.
Posted in Announcements, Clubs, Events, Free, Workshops Tagged with: community read, octavias brood
January 5th, 2016 by
Happy New Year!
Sci-Fy and Social Justice
It’s Community Read Time. You are invited to read Octavia’s Brood: Science Fiction Stories From Social Justice Movements with faculty, staff, students and administrators. This book is edited by Walidah Imarisha and Adrienne Maree Brown. “The stories represent a global quest for social transformation, for justice. They are about people from different background and worlds, expanding the notions of solidarity and community, redefining service, and exploring and rediscovering the human spirit in baffling times, under challenging circumstances (Sheree Renee Thomas, 2015). These are timely and critical stories that support our College’s commitment to equity, justice, engagement, and success for all.
Get Your Free Copy
This Wednesday, January 6, the Community Reads is having a kick off for all those participating with us this quarter. At this event you’ll get a deeper introduction into what the book is about, why we’re doing this program at Shoreline, and you’ll also be able to pick up your copy of the book (if you haven’t already done so). Sign up now and please join us tomorrow, January 6, in the PUB, Room 9201 from 1:30-2 p.m to help us kick start this year’s Shoreline Community Read!
If You Can’t Make It
Classified staff and students, if you’re unable to attend this event, you can pick up the book from the Student Leadership Center in the PUB anytime the office is open. The Community Read meetings begin in week 3 of the quarter, January 20th at 12:30 in the Quiet Dining Room in the PUB.
And there’s more!
We plan to have activities on campus that support the focus of this book, and we are hoping to bring the editors to the campus Spring 2016. Some faculty members are using Octavia’s Brood in their Winter 2016 courses.
If you have any questions about getting access to the book, please contact Caroline Conley, Rezina Habtemariam or Yvonne L. Terrell-Powell.
We look forward to learning and reading with you this quarter.
Community Read Winter 2016 Schedule
Week 3 January 18-22: Revolution Shuffle, The Token Superhero, the river
Week 4 Jan 25-29: Evidence, Black Angel, The Long Memory,
Week 5 Feb 1-5: Small and Bright, In Spite of Darkness, Hollow,
Week 6 Feb 8-12: Lalibela, Little Brown Mouse, Sanford and Sun,
Week 7 Feb 15-19: Runway Blackout, Kafka’s Las Laugh, 22XX: One Shot,
Week 8 Feb 22-26: Manhunters, Aftermath, Fire on the Mountain,
Week 9 Feb 29-March 4: Homing Instinct ,children who fly,
Week 10 March 7-March 11: Star Wars and the American Imagination, The Only Lasting Truth, Outro
Caroline Conley
Rezina Habtemariam
Yvonne L. Terrell-Powell
Community Book Read Committee
Posted in Events, Free Tagged with: community read
November 16th, 2015 by

The student sign up for Community Read is now live on the SLC web page here.
Don’t know what Community Read is? Read on:
Each year a new book is selected for our Community Book Read. Together we share our impressions and ideas. Weekly analyses of the text are led by a variety of college volunteers, bringing with them their unique backgrounds, expertise and perspectives. This keeps the discussion fresh, lively and relevant.
This year’s book is Octavia’s Brood: Science Fiction Stories from Social Justice Movements. Octavia’s Brood is a collection of social justice-themed science fiction stories that feature things like time travel, shape shifting, dystopian worlds, re-imaginings of “model minorities” and the possibilities of using visionary fiction to develop new ideas of future worlds. The works are inspired by the writings of Octavia Butler, an award-winning science fiction writer (Kindred, Parable of the Sower, and Lilith’s Brood) who lived in Lake Forest Park before her death in 2006.
The entire campus community is invited to read and discuss the stories inside Octavia’s Brood during winter quarter. Students will be able to receive a FREE copy of the book after signing up!
You can explore the book, its message and its authors at the library’s learning guide here.
You can find more information and a link to sign up on the SLC web page and you can also sign up to join the read here.
Posted in Announcements, Clubs, Events, Free Tagged with: community read, octavias brood
October 13th, 2015 by
This year’s Community Reads book is Octavia’s Brood, a science-fiction/fantasy anthology inspired by the work of Octavia Butler and focused on themes of social justice (in many planes of time).
To kick off this semester’s community read, we’re hosting an Introduction to Octavia’s Brood event this Wed., Oct. 14 from 1:30-2:30 p.m. on the third floor of the library. Refreshments will be served. We’re going to display a webpage for community reads containing many resources for anyone interested in the book. We’re encouraging students, staff and faculty to attend and learn more about this book and the activities that will be planned around it in the coming year.
Posted in Announcements, Events, Free Tagged with: community read, octavias brood