April 15th, 2016 by pio@shoreline.edu
Once again, I offer my sincere thanks to the entire campus community, including all who participated in our recruitment screening process, for their work in our recent search for our next Executive Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs (EVP-ASA). Although that search was technically “failed,” this simply means I am now considering the best alternative to ensure our work continues and we have the leadership needed in this critically important position. As I have previously mentioned, the Executive Vice President is one of the most senior positions at the College.
At Shoreline, we face a number of significant imperatives that make my decision for filling this EVP position both time-sensitive and specific to the current context of our work. The EVP-ASA I select to hire must be able to:
- Demonstrate an immediate understanding of our needs in the Washington Community and Technical College system
- Grow our domestic and international enrollment
- Understand the implications of the new allocation model as it relates to Shoreline
- Serve to help sustain our refreshed Strategic Planning goals and strategies, and
- Demonstrate a personal commitment to the values of Shoreline, including our Community Standard and working together to support student success
The challenges of recruiting a position at this level around the country are apparent. I reviewed several pre-qualified candidates who are available for short-term contracts for six to nine months. Among available options for the permanent position, one individual is clearly the best choice for Shoreline. This person demonstrates all the abilities that I just listed as essential for the EVP-ASA position.
I am pleased to announce my decision to appoint Alison Stevens as the new EVP-ASA beginning in July 2016. We are both fortunate that Dr. Stevens has a strong interest in returning to Shoreline to work with us, and her leadership skills will complement the work ahead of us and help students “finish what they start.”
Alison wanted to express the following to the Shoreline community, “I am delighted that this opportunity allows me to return to Shoreline and work with the dedicated faculty and staff and new leadership provided by President Roberts. I am excited to share my passion and commitment to continue Shoreline’s exceptional work focused on student achievement and success.”
Bob Francis, who is retiring from the EVP-ASA position at the end of June, also noted, “I have confidence in Alison’s ability to build on the foundation the College community has worked on in recent years to sustain and advance Shoreline’s strategic objectives. She has the unique ability to meet the challenges and opportunities that Shoreline faces now and in the fast-approaching future.”
Later this afternoon, I invite you to join me to discuss this decision in a meeting with the campus community from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. in the Automotive Showroom (Room 2120).
Cheryl Roberts, Ed.D.

Alison Stevens is the new Executive Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs at Shoreline Community College.
Alison Stevens biographical summary
Alison Stevens, Ph.D. is the new Executive Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs at Shoreline Community College beginning in July 2016. Dr. Stevens has been a community college leader for the past ten years and, prior to returning to Shoreline, she served as the Executive Vice President of Instruction and Student Services at Everett Community College. Alison previously served as the interim Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs at Shoreline following seven years as an instructional dean for Seattle Central and North Seattle Colleges. In addition to her community college administration roles, Alison designed customized programs for international students as well as teaching for thirteen years in English as a Second Language, Spanish, and Linguistics at the University of Washington. Her prior background includes her work as a Fair Hearings and Financial Services Leadworker for the state’s Department of Social and Health Services. She holds a doctorate in theoretical linguistics and a Master in Teaching – English as a Second Language from the University of Washington.
Posted in Announcements Tagged with: dr. alison stevens, evp-asa, president roberts
April 12th, 2016 by pio@shoreline.edu
Please schedule and plan to attend an important meeting with the campus community and me this week, Friday, April 15, from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. in the Automotive Showroom (Room 2120).
Before my announcement of the “failed search” for the recruitment of the Executive Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs (EVP-ASA), I carefully considered my options for filling the position. At the meeting on Friday, I will discuss my decision with the College and indicate how we will move forward to fill the EVP-ASA position. My decision was informed both by our recently completed search process and my further review of candidates who have the abilities to provide the leadership we require in this position.
Cheryl Roberts, Ed.D.
Posted in Announcements, Events Tagged with: evp-asa, president roberts
March 10th, 2016 by pio@shoreline.edu

Please join President Roberts to mark the end of Winter Quarter 2016 at our March Madness Social on Thurs., March 10 from 4–5 p.m. in Room 1402 – Building 1400.
Posted in Announcements, Events, Free Tagged with: march madness, president roberts, winter 2016, winter social
February 29th, 2016 by pio@shoreline.edu

Please join President Roberts to mark the end of Winter Quarter 2016 at our March Madness Social on Thurs., March 10 from 4–5 p.m. in Room 1402 – Building 1400. All members of the campus community are invited.
Posted in Announcements, Events, Free Tagged with: march madness, president roberts, winter 2016, winter social
January 26th, 2016 by pio@shoreline.edu
Dear Student,
As part of an ongoing effort to clearly define the College’s identity, our position in comparison to other Community Colleges, and to better communicate with our students and communities we serve, we have asked the Clarus Group to build upon their successful work conducted this past fall to increase enrollment and retain our students through to completion. Listening sessions are organized by constituency group. The schedule of sessions for students is as follows:
Wednesday, January 27:
10:30 a.m. – 12 p.m. in the Admin bldg. (1000) Board Room 1010M
Thursday, January 28:
10:30 a.m. – 12 p.m. in the Admin bldg. (1000) Board Room 1010M
Pizza will be served in each session and you may feel free to bring your lunch if you’d like. Student input is extremely important and will help us make our communication efforts more successful.
The sessions have been structured in such a way to allow you to voice your opinions about your impressions of the identity of the college in the community. The Clarus Group representative will visit with you about:
- Descriptors of the College (both positive and negative)
- Unique strengths of the College
- Icons and images that best describe the College
- Promises/expectations made by the College to the students and communities we serve
- Competition for the College and misperceptions about the College – again both positive and negative
The results of these sessions will be used to convey the benefits the College provides to both the individual student and our communities as well as provide a consistent, integrated message of our College’s Vision and Mission. Other sessions include our faculty and employees, donors, alumni, transfer partners, business and community leaders, high school students, Board of Trustees and the Foundation Board of Directors.
Please reply to this posting with YES you will be able to attend or NO you will not be able to attend to mbrueggeman@shoreline.edu. We will send a reminder email prior to the listening session.
Thank you so much for your help and we look forward to seeing you at one of the sessions listed above.
Warm Regards,
Cheryl Roberts, Ed.D.
Posted in Announcements, Events Tagged with: clarus, focus session, president roberts
December 3rd, 2015 by pio@shoreline.edu

Please join President Roberts for cider and treats and to mark the end of Fall Quarter 2015 on Fri., Dec. 4 in the PUB Quiet Dining Room (9208) from 2-3 p.m.
Posted in Announcements, Events, Free, Uncategorized Tagged with: cider social, president roberts