November 1st, 2023 by Damon
What to do when you encounter a stumper? Rebecca Demarest offers helpful tips for tackling creative problems – and not just writers’ block! Rebecca is an award-winning author, book designer, coach, and writing instructor practiced at working with adults and kids, including in a homeschool environment. Her primary areas of expertise revolves around speculative fiction, with practice in theater, historical fiction, mystery writing, and game writing. She enjoys individual coaching, manuscript evaluation, and teaching workshops and classes for a wide range of topics for adults and kids and has worked as an instructor and course designer with organizations such as the Bureau of Fearless Ideas in Seattle, Clarion West, DigiPen, and the Museum of Popular Culture. Date: 11-21-2023 Time: 3-4pm Location: Room 4202 (the library)

Posted in Continuing Education, Free, Workshops Tagged with: ,

October 11th, 2019 by

The Seattle community is full of writers of all different backgrounds and styles. Some write plays and film and some are writers of books and novels, but everyone has something in common. We are all pretty excited when November rolls around. The writing community comes together and rallies around each other for NaNoWriMo because it’s a celebration of writing what you love and ignoring the inner editor inside. That’s because the one rule of NaNoWriMo is that you can’t edit or backspace while you write. You have to move forward so at the end of the month you have 50,000 words of total, unadulterated mind vomit. It’s actually a good way to work because you can see what kind of story you end up with and then you have a whole chunk of beautiful fiction to whittle down into whatever your vision needs it to be. The goal for NaNoWriMo and for November is to write 50,000 words which comes down to 1667 words per day.

The Kick-Off Party for NaNoWriMo is happening here at Shoreline College at the library (the 4000 building) on Halloween night, October 31st. Costumes are encouraged, but not mandatory and the writing happens at midnight, so it’s a late night event. There will be candy, coffee, and all manner of shenanigans. We’re starting at 10:00 p.m. and the party goes until 2:00 a.m. There will be a mug exchange because so many of us need coffee, tea, or some other beverage to keep the words flowing during November. To participate, buy a  mug and wrap it and you’ll end up taking one home! See you there.

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