April 19th, 2016 by pio@shoreline.edu
Here are the events happening around campus for Tues., April 19. Earth Week events are listed separately here.
Tues., April 19
Intramural Zumba, Room 3025
Tues., April 19: 12:35-1:25 p.m.
Free to Shoreline Community College students, faculty, and staff.
Tues., April 19: 5-8:30 p.m.
We are accepting new students into our current ABE/GED Math class that meets 11:50-1:00 Monday-Friday. Students interested in enrolling must attend an orientation.
Posted in Announcements, Athletics, Free Tagged with: intramural
April 15th, 2016 by pio@shoreline.edu
Here are the events happening around campus for the weekend of Fri., April 15 through Sun., April 17.
Fri., April 15
Softball NWAC Crossover, Away at Yakima
Fri., April 15-17: all day
Wish our Phins softball team good luck as they head to Yakima for the NWAC Crossover. #GoPhins!
Intramural Yoga, Athletics room 3025
Fri., April 15: 12:35-1:25 p.m.
Free to all Shoreline Community College students, faculty, and staff.
Staged reading of “Steel,” Black Box Theater, Room 4107
Fri., April 15: 7:30 p.m.
Come check out a FREE staged reading of “Steel,” a new play written by Shoreline faculty Chris Fisher and directed by Shoreline faculty Duygu Erdogan Monson.
Featuring: Shoreline faculty members, Debra Pralle and Tony Doupé, Shoreline alumni, Dawson Doupé and Jason Adkins, Sharva Maynard, Rich Morris, Adrien Gamache, and Miles Pralle.
Where: Shoreline Community College Blackbox Studio Theatre, Rm. 4107 in the basement of the library.
When: April 15 and 16 at 7:30pm. Discussion to follow.
Presented by the Shoreline Community College Theatre and Film Department.
For more information please contact Tony Doupé, tdoupe@shoreline.edu.
FREE EVENT, Tickets at the door.
Sat., April 16
Baseball vs. Skagit Valley, away at Mount Vernon
Sat., April 16: 1-5 p.m.
Wish our Phins good luck as they travel to Mount Vernon to take on Skagit Valley. #GoPhins!
Staged reading of “Steel,” Black Box Theater, Room 4107
Sat., April 16: 7:30 p.m.

Come check out a FREE staged reading of “Steel,” a new play written by Shoreline faculty Chris Fisher and directed by Shoreline faculty Duygu Erdogan Monson.
Featuring: Shoreline faculty members, Debra Pralle and Tony Doupé, Shoreline alumni, Dawson Doupé and Jason Adkins, Sharva Maynard, Rich Morris, Adrien Gamache, and Miles Pralle.
Where: Shoreline Community College Blackbox Studio Theatre, Rm. 4107 in the basement of the library.
When: April 15 and 16 at 7:30pm. Discussion to follow.
Presented by the Shoreline Community College Theatre and Film Department.
For more information please contact Tony Doupé, tdoupe@shoreline.edu.
FREE EVENT, Tickets at the door.
Sun., April 17
Baseball vs. Skagit Valley, home at Shoreline
Sun., April 17: 1-5 p.m.
Come out to the ball field to cheer our Phins on to victory as they take on Skagit Valley at home. Home games are played at Meridian Park at 16765 Wallingford Avenue N, Shoreline.
Insinuators Live, The Parliament Tavern
Sun., April 17: 8-11 p.m.

Catch Music Tech faculty member Jim Elenteny and his band The Insinuators at the Parliament Tavern. They’ll be joined by Music Tech faculty member Bahaa Sadak on keys.
The Parliament is at:
4210 SW Admiral Way
Seattle, WA
Posted in Announcements, Arts & Entertainment, Events, Free, Workshops Tagged with: baseball, intramural, jim elenteny, music, softball, steel
April 13th, 2016 by pio@shoreline.edu
Here are the events happening around campus for Wed., April 13.
Managing Stress, PUB 9208
Wed., April 13: 12:30-1:30 p.m.
Stressed out? Who isn’t trying to balance multiple priorities and feeling it! Learn more about how stress impacts us all and a few tips for managing stress.
Events are FREE and open to our campus community. Feel free to bring your lunch!
Intramural Yoga, Athletics Room 3025
Wed., April 13: 12:35-1:25 p.m.
Free to all Shoreline Community College students, faculty, and staff.
Posted in Announcements, Athletics, Events, Free, Workshops Tagged with: advising, counseling, intramural, yoga
February 29th, 2016 by pio@shoreline.edu

Announcing the intramural basketball 3-on-3 Tournament on Fri., March 4! All welcome – Sign up online or in the Issue Room (downstairs) in the 3000 building. Please note there are two dates for this tournament: one on 3/4/16 and the final on 3/10/16. Please make sure you’re available both dates. Contact Stacie Attridge with questions at sattridge@shoreline.edu.
Posted in Announcements, Athletics, Events, Free Tagged with: intramural
February 10th, 2016 by pio@shoreline.edu
Today is the last day to sign up for the Intramural ski trip to Stevens Pass happening this Sat. Feb. 13.
Snowboard, Ski, or Snowshoe Stevens pass with the Shoreline Community College Intramural program Sat., Feb. 13, 2016. A charter bus will chauffeur you to the pass from campus. The cost per person is subsidized by the Intramural program. Space is limited so sign up now! Current Shoreline students must pay their portion by 2/11/16 selecting from the following options:
$79.00 equipment rental& lift ticket
$54.00 lift ticket only
$29.60 snowshoe trail pass & snowshoe rental
$9.60 snowshoe trail pass only
The charter bus will leave Shoreline’s campus at 9:30 a.m. and return around 7 p.m.
For more info contact Stacie Attridge at intramurals@shoreline.edu
Posted in Announcements, Athletics, Events Tagged with: intramural
February 3rd, 2016 by pio@shoreline.edu
Scroll down for information about the following campus events for Thurs., Feb. 4:
Sentence puzzles workshop and intramural Zumba and intramural personal training
Sentence puzzles workshop

Join us in library classroom 4214 from 12:30-1:30 p.m.
(This workshop is designed for intermediate and advanced ESL/EAP students and others wanting a basic review of English grammar) Improve your ability to identify and use the different parts of a sentence.
Intramural Zumba and Personal Training

Free intramurals for Thurs., Feb. 4 are:
Zumba: 12:35-1:25 p.m. in room 3025
Personal Training: 6-6:50 p.m. in room 3007
Posted in Announcements, Athletics, Events, Free, Workshops Tagged with: intramural, writing and learning studio
January 29th, 2016 by pio@shoreline.edu

Head to the Main Gym (3000 bldg.) today, Fri., Jan. 29 from 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. to cheer on your friends and fellow classmates as they compete in the 3-on-3 intramural basketball tournament!
Posted in Announcements, Athletics, Events, Free Tagged with: intramural
January 26th, 2016 by pio@shoreline.edu

If you haven’t signed up for the Intramural basketball 3-on-3 Tournament this Fri., Jan. 29, do so now! Sign ups close at noon on Wed., Jan. 27! All welcome – Sign up online or in the Issue Room (downstairs) in the 3000 building.
Posted in Announcements, Athletics, Events, Free Tagged with: basketball tournament, intramural
January 14th, 2016 by pio@shoreline.edu
The schedule for the intramural class offerings for Winter quarter has been updated. The Tuesday evening Zumba class has been replaced with a Personal Training class. Please see the updated schedule below.
Free intramural drop-in classes for all staff, faculty, and students winter quarter:
Yoga Mondays/Wednesdays 12:35pm-1:25pm 3025
Zumba Tuesdays/Thursdays 12:35pm-1:25pm 3025
Personal Training Tuesdays 5:05pm-5:50pm, Thursdays 6:00pm-6:50pm 3007
Yoga Fridays 11:30am-12:20pm 3025
Posted in Announcements, Athletics, Free Tagged with: intramural, winter quarter 2016
January 8th, 2016 by pio@shoreline.edu

Cool new perk of being a Shoreline Community College student – you can swim for free at Helene Madison Pool! Remember to bring your current Shoreline ID to gain access. For schedule information please visit the Helene Madison Pool website.
The Helene Madison Pool is located at:
13401 Meridian Ave N
Seattle, WA 98133
Posted in Announcements, Athletics, Free Tagged with: intramural