February 23rd, 2016 by pio@shoreline.edu
Shoreline’s academic calendar has four quarters, with a registration period for each. In order to help students complete their course of study in a timely manner, the opening of registration is staggered. Students with the most credits already completed are invited to begin registration first. Registration for spring quarter 2016 begins Mon., Feb. 29 for students who have completed 75 or more credits. The schedule for registration is as follows:
Feb 29 – Registration begins for students with 75+ credits
March 1 – Registration begins for students with 45-74 credits
March 2 – Registration begins for students with 30-44 credits
March 3 – Registration begins for students with 15-29 credits
March 4 – Registration begins for students with 1-14 credits
March 7 – New Student Registration begins
New students are encouraged to register in conjunction with one of several orientation options. We recommend Current students meet with their advisor prior to registering for classes. You can call 206-546-4559 or visit www.shoreline.edu/findmyadvisor to find your assigned advisor.
Posted in Announcements Tagged with: registration, spring quarter 2016
January 15th, 2016 by pio@shoreline.edu

Beginning Tues., Jan. 19, students wishing to add/drop a class must pay a $15 fee. Also starting on this date, the signature of both the instructor and the dean are required to add a class. This is also the day that drops start showing on student records as “W”. Please be aware of these requirements as you consider adding or dropping a class to your schedule.
Thank you.
Posted in Announcements Tagged with: add/drop, registration, winter quarter 2016
January 8th, 2016 by pio@shoreline.edu

Just a quick reminder of the process for students to add/drop classes after the start of the quarter:
Week 1:
- Students are able to register themselves for a class if there are open seats and no waiting list.
- Online registration is open through the last day of the first week of the quarter (add/drop online).
- Students on the waiting list are automatically registered as seats become available, through the third day of the quarter.
- Registering into full and/or waitlisted classes requires an overload slip, emailed permission from the instructor with approval to OVERLOAD, or the signature on a Schedule Change Form, stating their approval to OVERLOAD the class.
- Students are not overloaded into full and/or waitlisted classes with the instructor’s signature alone. It’s important that we know the instructor has agreed to overload the class (possibly ahead of others on the waiting list).
Week 2:
- Instructor’s permission required to add a class, with an overload slip, emailed permission to add, or signature on a Schedule Change Form.
- Online registration and the waiting list are no longer available.
- Students cannot register without instructor’s signature.
- No signature is required to drop a class.
Week 3 & 4:
- Permission of both the instructor and the division dean required to register, with an overload slip, emailed permission to add, or signature on a Schedule Change Form.
- Along with permission to add the class, the instructor must state whether or not student has been attending from the first day/week. This is very important — whether or not the student has been attending from the start of the quarter has an impact on our quarterly enrollment.
- Instructor signature or emailed permission is required to withdraw from a class from the first day of the third week through the first day of the seventh week (W period).
After the W period, withdrawal is no longer done through the registration process. Students must meet with their instructor to discuss a late withdrawal grade of V, Z, NC, or I (entered directly on the grade roster in Instructor Briefcase).
Note: The number of days in each “week” is adjusted for the shorter Summer quarter. Refer to the Important Dates calendar for Summer dates.
Posted in Announcements Tagged with: add/drop, registration
May 11th, 2015 by pio@shoreline.edu
Just a reminder that registration for summer and fall quarters for current students began yesterday and continues throughout the remainder of the quarter. Registration priority dates are based on the number of credits you’ve completed, and are designed to ensure students are able to complete their degrees on time. New students will begin registration Tues., May 19, so register for classes now to ensure your spot. Questions? Check in with the advising and counseling center, in room 5229, or call them at 206-546-4559.
Posted in Announcements Tagged with: advising, fall 2015, registration, summer 2015