Need help applying for Financial Aid?

Need help with your financial aid application?

Money for college is available, but the application process can be confusing, and many students aren’t sure where to begin.

Don’t worry, help is available!

Attend the Shoreline Community College Financial Aid Lab, where our staff will be available to answer questions and help you complete your application.

These labs are FREE, open to the public, and you can attend either online or in-person.

Upcoming dates:

  • June 13: 4-5pm (zoom) or 5-7pm (on campus) 
  • June 20: 4-5pm (zoom) or 5-7pm (on campus) 

 Click here to register for a Financial Aid Lab.

Students attending Summer Quarter 

  • For priority consideration, you must submit your valid 2024-2025 FAFSA or WASFA application by June 18, 2024 and register for summer classes by June 21, 2024. 
  • Students who meet the June 21, 2024, priority deadline will not be dropped for nonpayment while their financial aid application is reviewed.  
  • Students who miss the June 21, 2024, deadline should have another plan to pay their tuition until their file can be reviewed and eligibility determined. 

Students attending Fall Quarter 

  • Review of files will begin after summer quarter applications have been processed. 

 Questions? Email us at

June 11th, 2024 by