Category: Clubs

March 11th, 2025 by Steve Marshal
Cartoon of a bear wearing a backpack and looking at a map.

SCC students are invited to attend the Spring Club & Resource Fair on Thursday, April 10 from 1-3pm in the PUB Main Dining Room (9215).

Students can stop by, grab a snack, and learn about different student clubs and campus offices/programs and the resources and services that they offer!

For more information, e-mail

Posted in Clubs, Events, Free, Student Life

March 10th, 2025 by Steve Marshal

A number of campus offices are currently recruiting student leaders for the 2025-2026 school year. If you’re interested in getting involved and want to represent and support your fellow students, check out the descriptions of available positions below for more information.

Arts & Entertainment Board (A&E)
A&E is currently hiring for 2 position types that support student activities: Event Coordinators who help to plan and host a variety of fun events, and Graphic Designers who help to create fliers and promotional materials. To apply, go HERE and submit by Sunday, April 6 at 11:59 p.m. For more information, e-mail

Associated Student Government (ASG)
ASG provides a representative voice for all SCC students by overseeing the allocation and use of student fees, serving on campus committees, and providing opportunities for students to give feedback about their Shoreline experience. There are 8 officer and 3 student representative positions available. To apply, go HERE and submit by Sunday, April 6 at 11:59 p.m. For more information, e-mail

eLearning Peer Mentors
eLearning Peer Mentors work with online students (mentees) in their first or second quarter at Shoreline. In this role, you will support student success by cultivating thoughtful relationships with your mentees and by actively listening to and engaging with them to help them build a sense of community at Shoreline. Click HERE to read the full position description and apply! Applications for the 2025-26 academic year will be accepted from May 5-June 2. If you have questions, please email Lauren Caruso at

Gender Equity Center Program Assistant
The Gender Equity Center is hiring for a Program Assistant (work-study only) that focuses on promoting academic success for students by sharing scholarships, internships, and college transfer opportunities. Ideal candidates will be passionate about expanding educational opportunities to more students, comfortable working in a queer and gender inclusive environment, and can bring a lot of creativity to event planning. For more information, email

International Student Ambassadors (ISA)
ISAs support Shoreline’s International Education team by connecting with new students worldwide through digital marketing, print design, and live chat. They also assist with translating marketing materials and creating specialized content—including videos, blogs, and social media—to engage with a diverse and ever-evolving audience. Click here to see details and to apply by Sunday, April 6. For questions or more information, email Michael Chen at

International Student Leaders (ISL)
ISLs provide support to new and continuing international students to achieve cross-cultural experiences and academic success during their time here at Shoreline. ISLs support Orientation, plan events, provide mentorship, and help to engage with all international students on campus. Click here to see details and to apply by Sunday, April 6. For questions or more information, email Yushin Wung at

Resident Assistants (RAs)
RAs live on-campus in the college’s residence hall, 7000 Campus Living, and directly contribute to a community that supports students’ academic and personal success. This is done through one-on-one connections with students, planning of social and educational activities, and the upholding of community standards. If you are eager to help others, have a creative side, and can think on your feet, attend a mandatory info session to find out more! For info session dates and to apply, click HERE and submit by Sunday, April 6 at 11:59 p.m. For more information, e-mail

Student Ambassadors
Student Ambassadors help new and continuing students with questions about the college and connect them to campus resources. They work with various departments each quarter and provide friendly assistance to students who come to them with questions. Student Ambassadors are also involved in various activities, such as campus tours, and are expected to work 10 hours a week in person on average. For more information and to apply, keep an eye out on Handshake for the application beginning on March 21. For questions, email Laura Brown at

Posted in ASG, Clubs, Student Communications, Student Life

February 18th, 2025 by Steve Marshal
Illustration of the globe with iconic structures, like the Taj Mahal and the Statue of Liberty, on top of it. Headline says "Global Showcase - March 6, 11:30 - 3:30.

The International Student Leaders and International Education department present Global Showcase 2025!

Cultural clubs and student volunteers are invited to host a booth, perform on stage, or join the fashion show in this celebration of cultures. Booths consist of a tri-fold display board that the students can decorate with whatever information/photos they’d like, and we encourage them to have an interactive element as well (e.g. teach a word or phrase in your native language, hand out traditional candy/snacks, play a game/ask trivia questions, etc.).

Seeking Volunteers! The ISLs have sign-up forms for students who wish to participate:

  • Host a booth (if we receive multiple sign-ups from the same culture/country, we will ask the students to work together).
  • Perform on stage or join the fashion show.

Contact Yushin at if you are interested in joining us!

Event Details

  • WHAT: Global Showcase
  • WHEN: March 6, 11:30am – 3:30pm
  • WHERE: PUB Main Dining Room

Posted in Arts & Entertainment, Clubs, DEI, Events, Student Life, Volunteer Opportunities

January 28th, 2025 by Steve Marshal

SCC students are invited to attend the Winter Club & Resource Fair on Wednesday, Jan. 29 from 2-4pm in the PUB Main Dining Room (9215).

Students can learn about different student clubs as well as a variety of campus offices/programs and the resources that they offer!

For more information, e-mail

Image of flyer that includes event details found in the text of the post.

Posted in Clubs, Events, Student Life

January 15th, 2025 by Steve Marshal

SCC students are invited to attend the Winter Club & Resource Fair on Wednesday, Jan. 29 from 2-4pm in the PUB Main Dining Room (9215).

Students can learn about different student clubs as well as a variety of campus offices/programs and the resources that they offer!

For more information, e-mail

Image of flyer that includes event details found in the text of the post.

Posted in Clubs, Events, Student Life

October 29th, 2024 by Cat Chiappa

Engineering Club is meeting on October 31st, come join us on our first meeting, we will go over the clubs goals and events, and there will be food!!!

  • Date: 10/31/24
  • Time: 2:30-4:00pm
  • Location: Cedar Building, RM 6111

Posted in Clubs

April 2nd, 2024 by Cat Chiappa

Vengan a la reunion de estudiantes Latinoamericanos!!! Join us for a meeting of Latin American students!

Everyone is welcome.

Date: Every Other Wednesday Starting 4/17/24

Time: 2:30-4:00pm

Location: Building 1500, Rm 1501

This is blue flyer with clip art of Latinx people doing a variety of cultural activities.

Posted in Clubs, DEI, Student Life

April 2nd, 2024 by Cat Chiappa

Come join the African Student Club meeting every other Friday in the Quiet Dining Room.

Date: Every Other Friday Starting 4/12/24

Time: 3:30-5:00pm

Room: 9208- Quiet Dining Room

This is a tan colored flyer with the continent of African overlaid with a sunset and a giraffe and a sun with silhouettes in it.

Posted in Clubs, DEI, Student Life

February 8th, 2024 by Cat Chiappa

Join us for bi-weekly indoor climbing activity.

Meet in the PUB 9201 at 6:15 and we head up to Half Moon Bouldering

This is a person rock-climbing

Posted in Announcements, Clubs, DEI

February 2nd, 2024 by Cat Chiappa

Stop by building 1800, room 1814, as the Young Americans for Freedom club will have a meeting on Tuesday, February 6, from 3PM – 5PM. The club will discuss about hosting a speaker and will be doing activism work later this quarter. Food and beverages will be provided. Please share this with your family and friends. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to:
Daniel Nguyen, President

Date: Tuesday 2/6/24

Time: 3:00-5:00pm

Location: Building 1800, Room 1814


Posted in Clubs