Category: COVID
November 28th, 2022 by
Covid Booster Clinic December 1, 2022, at Shoreline Community College
SCC is hosting a COVID-19 booster clinic in cooperation with the University of Washington Health.
- When: Thursday, December 1, 9:00 am to 3:00 pm
- Where: The main dining room in the PUB, Room 9215
- No appointment required.
- Bring your ID, your vaccine card, and wear a mask. Masks will be available to wear at the clinic as well.
Please direct questions to
Jesse Lowe at
Posted in Announcements, COVID, Events
November 9th, 2022 by
SCC is hosting a COVID-19 booster clinic in cooperation with the University of Washington Health.
When: Monday, November 14, 9:00 am to 3:00 pm
Where: The main dining room in the PUB, room 9215
No appointment is required, but
you can make an appointment if you prefer by clicking HERE.
Bring your ID, your vaccine card, and wear a mask. Masks will be available to wear at the clinic as well.
Please direct questions to Jesse Lowe at
Posted in Announcements, COVID, Events, Free
September 26th, 2022 by
Returning to Campus- COVID-19- from the SCC COVID SUPERVISOR
As we return to campus, I would like to remind everyone of the College’s procedures for COVID-19 and what you can do to keep our collective risk of infection as low as possible.
Get boosted: Getting vaccinated and boosted is still the best way to fight COVID-19. The Washington State Department of Health vaccine locator at Vaccinate WA: Find COVID-19 Vaccine Providers Near You can help you find the most convenient option for you. The CDC recommends getting a bivalent Pfizer (ages 12+) or Moderna vaccine (ages 18+) if it’s been two months or more since your last booster or vaccination.
Let us know! If you are:
- Exposed to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19, or
- Experiencing symptoms of COVID-19, or
- Test positive for COVID-19,
Then please fill out a report via the form here: Coronavirus (COVID-19) Exposure Report Form – Formstack. Your information will remain confidential. This allows the College to provide you with guidance and conduct contact tracing to reduce the spread of COVID-19 among our community.
Masking is voluntary on campus, except in the Counseling Center and clinical sites. However, you are welcome to wear a mask whenever you feel it’s appropriate. Masks are available at ASK ME stations throughout (Admin/1000 Building, Library/4000 Building, and FOSS/5000 Building, 2nd floor), and can also be requested from Aimee Henson in Facilities or from the Covid-19 Response Coordinator.
Up to date information can be found here: Coronavirus (COVID-19) Updates | Shoreline Community College
If you have any questions, please contact me.
Jesse Lowe
COVID-19 Support Coordinator
Shoreline Community College
Posted in Announcements, COVID
September 13th, 2022 by
As Shoreline Community College prepares to return to campus for Fall 2022, here are some reminders on how the College is responding to COVID-19. Up-to-date information can be found at Coronavirus (COVID-19) Updates | Shoreline Community College.
We are aware Governor Inslee has recently announced he will lift the state’s emergency declaration on October 31, 2022. The college will send out another message shortly afterward to update you on any changes to our COVID-19 response plan relative to the governor’s order. Consistent with past practice, we will keep the college community up to date on local, state, and national conditions, and of changes within the College’s response.
Monitoring COVID-19 Community Level
Currently (September 12th, 2022) King County is in the low (green) level, reflecting a trend of falling case counts over the last few weeks. The College will continue to monitor public health guidance from King County Public Health and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). King County Public Health updates the community level dashboard with current indicators every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Additional information can be found on King County’s data dashboards page. Should the community level rise to high (red) level, the Communicable Disease Team (CDT) will examine the situation and make recommendations to the Executive Team regarding masking, social distancing, and cleaning procedures.
Masks are voluntary on campus except in the Counseling Center and in clinical sites. Masks are available to employees and students at the ASK ME stations throughout campus: Admin/1000 Building, Library/4000 Building, and the FOSS/5000 Building, 2nd floor.
Campus Cleaning
Returning to pre-COVID 19 cleaning standards in Fall 2022 means the College will provide the same level of reliable custodial services currently delivered but without the additional measures previously required by local, state, and federal offices following the pandemic-driven closure two years ago. However, the College will retain a number of public health practices that were put into place in response to COVID-19, including the availability of hand sanitizers, masks, and wipe dispensers throughout all our buildings, which can be requested from the Facilities department.
Getting vaccinated is still the best way to fight COVID-19. Vaccinations and boosters are available at no cost, and King County Health recommends everyone aged 5 and older should get a booster dose. The Getting vaccinated in King County – King County page provides guidance on where to find vaccines in King County.
Vaccination Attestation | Shoreline Community College.
Students attending Shoreline Community College, strictly in online classes only, will not be required to attest their COVID vaccination. This is a continuation of the process from previous quarters. If an online student needs to come to campus, they will need to attest their vaccination status before they will be allowed to visit. If conditions change, online students may be asked to attest in the future.
Report Exposure, Symptoms, or a Positive Test
If you have been exposed to someone with COVID-19, if you have symptoms (sore throat, fever, cough, fatigue), or if you have tested positive, fill out the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Exposure Report Form – Formstack as soon as possible. This will help the College provide you with guidance and will help in contact tracing.
If you have symptoms, you should test immediately. You can get PCR tests through a health care provider or test site. King County Health provides guidance on testing and where to get tested at COVID-19 testing – King County.
You can also use an antigen test at home. If you have symptoms, the FDA recommends testing three times to avoid a false negative: once when you suspect you may have COVID-19, once 48 hours later, and again 48 hours after the second negative test.
Free antigen tests can be requested from the following site:
Home – Say Yes! To Covid Test (
If you’ve been exposed to COVID-19
If you have been exposed to COVID-19 and:
- have been boosted, or
- completed Pfizer or Moderna in the last 5 months, or
- completed J&J vaccine within the last 2 months,
then you do not need to isolate unless you develop symptoms. Wear a well-fitting mask around others for 10 days from the date of exposure.
If you completed Pfizer or Moderna more than 5 months ago or J&J more than 2 months ago, and are not boosted, you should isolate for 5 days. Wear a well-fitting mask around others for 5 more days.
If you test positive for or have symptoms of COVID-19
You should isolate for five days from the day your symptoms began or you tested positive, whichever is later. After five days, you can end isolation if you are fever-free for 24 hours with no medication, and other symptoms are improving. Wear a well-fitting mask around others for 5 more days.
Posted in Announcements, COVID
March 18th, 2022 by
Hello students,
We are sharing with you today the College’s decision to lift the mask requirement effective April 2, 2022, in time for the start of spring quarter.
This decision was informed by many sources including:
Additionally, please note the following regarding this change in masking requirements:
- Masks will continue to be required in clinical and other healthcare settings and on college shuttles/vans.
- Use of well-fitting masks may be temporarily required or recommended by the College (e.g., days 6-10 if returning to work from isolation after day 5, during a COVID-19 outbreak, when community levels are high, etc.).
- Individual staff members or instructors cannot require others to mask in their departments or classrooms.
- If you voluntarily choose to mask up, choose a well-fitted, high-quality mask — such as a KN95, N95, or surgical mask — which when worn correctly can protect you as well as those around you. You can pick up masks at ASK ME stations in the 1000, 4000, and 5000 buildings.
- Individuals who are immunocompromised or live with someone who is at risk for severe COVID-19 should consider wearing well-fitting masks when community levels are medium or higher, per the Washington State Department of Health. Current community level in King County is identified by the CDC as low.
- The College recommends respiratory etiquette.
- The College’s masking decision may change in the future, should conditions change.
Other items to keep in mind as we move forward:
- Individual areas or employees cannot require others to mask in their areas, offices, or classrooms.
- The College will continue to promote/support hand hygiene by supplying hand sanitizer and wipes to employees, as requested.
- Wipe and hand sanitizer dispensers will remain in current locations throughout the campus.
- The College will continue to maintain indoor air quality through the use MERV13 air filters.
- The College will continue to clean high-touch surfaces across campus daily as well as offices in use by on-campus employees.
- Installed plexiglass will remain in use across campus.
- Vaccination verification or eligible exemption status will continue to be required for all employees and on-campus students.
Individuals should continue to report any COVID-19 symptoms or exposures via the online reporting tool for direction on health and safety steps needed.
Questions? Please email us at or call 206-495-7744 during regular College operating hours, or check the COVID-19 Updates site for the latest information.
I truly appreciate your ongoing commitment to the health and well-being of our campus community. Best of luck on your finals next week!
Samira Pardanani, M.A., M.A. – TESOL
Associate Vice President for Student Services & International Education
Posted in COVID
November 3rd, 2021 by
- Flu Vaccine Pop-Up Clinic, Thursday, November 4th from 11:00 am – 1:00 pm in the PUB (9000 Building), Room 9208 (Quiet Dining Room). Sign up in advance online. Students, family and staff are welcome to attend. Flu shots are free for those with approved insurance, including Apple Health. Masks are required indoors.
- COVID-19 vaccination booster shots are available at our on-campus clinic for those who are eligible. The clinic’s scheduled vaccine appointments could become fully booked very soon with kids ages 5-11, so book your appointment soon.
Posted in Announcements, COVID, Events
November 2nd, 2021 by
Pop-Up Clinic Dates
The vaccination pop-up clinics will operate five days a week (Monday to Friday), from 9am to 5pm through December 17. The clinics will be closed on November 11th, 25th, and 26th.
Posted in Announcements, COVID, Events
November 1st, 2021 by
Reserve your appt. here:

Posted in Announcements, COVID, Events
October 18th, 2021 by
The Sustainability & Commuter Options Fee (SCOF) committee is offering free reusable cloth face masks to all current Shoreline students. To sign up for yours, go to and fill out the form. Supplies are limited, only available to students currently residing in the U.S.
Posted in Announcements, COVID, Free, Student Life
October 8th, 2021 by
The U.S. Department of Education has made funds available to Shoreline Community College in Federal Covid Assistance funds, HEERF lll, to support our students and ensure learning continues during the COVID-19 pandemic. You may qualify up to a maximum of $2165 per quarter to help pay for any component of your college cost of attendance or for emergency costs that arise due to the coronavirus, such as tuition and fees, textbooks and course materials, housing/rent, food, technology, healthcare, and childcare.
You can submit an application for Fall Quarter 2021 at this time. Priority will be given to students with exceptional need and who are currently enrolled in Fall Quarter 2021 classes at Shoreline. All students can apply, including, domestic, international, undocumented students, students in non-degree seeking (Pre-requisite for graduate programs), non-credit (Transitional Studies such as ABE,ESL) dual enrollment (Running Start, CEO) continuing education classes and fully distance education students could qualify.
Grants will be awarded on a first-come, first-serve basis until funding runs out and will be disbursed as quickly as possible. This grant does not need to be repaid and will not negate or replace any financial aid you may have already received. Apply now! Shoreline Community College stands with you during this time!
Posted in Announcements, COVID, Services for Students, Student Aid