Tiffany McVeety
This Thursday’s Job Seekers’ Roundtable: Four Factors of Entrepreneurial Goal Setting, with Tiffany McVeety
It’s never too late to start a business. In fact, according to a 2014 Kauffman Foundation study, plus 50 workers have launched their own businesses at a higher rate than 20-34 year-olds every year since 1996. And “[b]usiness owners ages 55-64 represented more than 23% of new entrepreneurs” in 2012. As more boomers retire, this number is predicted to grow.
We’re changing the ways we think about work, careers and starting businesses.
Tiffany will explain the nuts and bolts of getting a Four Point Plan together, and how you can put your interests and hobbies to work for you. As always, tasty refreshments and our Conversation Starter blend of coffee will be served. Hope to see you there!
Thursday, August 11
1-2:30 p.m.
Shoreline Community College
Building 9000, Room 9202