Restrooms and Transgender Students

Dear Student,

Yesterday the Trump administration withdrew federal guidelines that recommend transgender students use the bathrooms of their choice in schools. I would like you to know this change does not have an effect here at Shoreline Community College.

The guidelines, recommended by the Obama administration, are not law and the current administration has now determined they will defer these guidelines to the states. The State of Washington already prohibits discrimination based on gender identity and expression, and mandates that public agencies allow individuals to use restrooms and other facilities based on their gender identity or expression.

Title IX civil rights law also prohibits discrimination based on “sex,” including at colleges.

I would also like to reiterate the College offers four all-gender restrooms on campus so that all students and employees have safe access to a variety of restroom choices. (You may read more about the all-gender restroom initiative here.)

Shoreline remains committed to serving all students and ensuring their right to learn freely and without discrimination.


Cheryl Roberts, Ed.D.

February 23rd, 2017 by