Body as Site Workshop: 5/20/24

How can the body be presented as both content and context? Performance both conveys and constructs identity and culture.  Human beings are continuously performing complex intersections of multiple identities, often shifting between dimensions of various identities and cultural influences. This workshop is intended to stimulate dialogue on transnationalism and creativity through the medium of performance. Without requiring much in material needs, performance art is one of the most accessible means for contemporary artists to create unique works. Participants will develop performances unique to their body, stories, experiences and various spaces they inhabit. 

  • Date: Monday 5/20/24
  • Time: 10:30am-12:00pm
  • Location: PUB, Room 9208
  • Workshop Facilitator: Anida Yoeu Ali
This is image of Anida in orange robes against an orange background.
May 16th, 2024 by