Campus Coronavirus Update as of March 31, 2020

Current Status of Campus: 

  • The College is operating remotely (services are available by phone and email) 
  • Spring quarter begins April 6 with training for students and faculty to prepare for online learning 
  • Instruction begins on April 13 and will be fully online (with few exceptions) 
  • Visit for regular updates 

Here is some information I hope is useful to you as we continue to navigate this public health emergency together. Each day, I am amazed at how our students, faculty, and staff are adapting in remarkable ways to respond to and stay safe from this pandemic. Thank you for your resilience in this extraordinary time. 

Can students and the general public come to campus?  

At this time, the physical campus is closed, except to our resident hall students. Students and community members are invited to connect with our caring staff via phone and email instead. Please let us know how we can serve you! We’d love to hear from you. 

How is Shoreline helping students afford classes right now? 

  • For spring quarter, the tuition payment deadline has been extended to April 13 and no student parking fees will be charged for the quarter. 
  • The online class fee has been waived for students who signed up for in-person classes which will now be delivered remotely this quarter. 
  • Our Financial Aid office helps students navigate federal and state loans, grants, and scholarships – and they can help review existing aid packages to see if students may qualify for more aid if their income has changed since they first applied. 
  • Our Foundation office has emergency grants for students in financial crisis, as well as quarterly and annual scholarships to help pay for tuition, books, and fees (annual deadline is April 16). 
  • Our Benefits Hub connects students with financial resources, food, transportation, and housing support. 
  • The Employment Security Department has adopted some emergency rules to relieve workers whose employment has been disrupted by the virus, which may provide some relief to students and their families. 

Remember, the quarter starts April 6 and class instruction begins April 13. You will receive more details later this week about how to complete your April 6-10 training for online learning. 

With care, 

Cheryl Roberts, Ed.D. 


March 31st, 2020 by