Events for Tues., March 29
Job Search Counseling with Hopelink Employment Specialist, Workforce Ed (FOSS 5101)
Tues., March 29: 12-2 p.m.

Are you looking for employment and have questions about the job search process, resumes, cover letters or interviewing? Do you have long-term career goals or need to explore your employment future?
Stop by Workforce Education (Foss 5101) on March 29, April 12 &26, and May 10 & 24 from 12-2 p.m. and visit with a Hopelink Employment Specialist to discuss your questions. You can also learn about Hopelink’s Employment Program and other services provided at Shoreline Hopelink.
Shoreline MOVES! PUB Quiet Dining Room (9208)
Tues., March 29: 12:30-1:30 p.m.

Whether you are a Zumba fitness fantastic or a beginner, everyone is welcome to our community Zumba class featuring Rana Nelson! Bring a friend and a water bottle.
Shoreline PLANS!, Room 1302
Tues., March 29: 2-3 p.m.

Get started with Google Calendar—we’ll help you setup yours and show you how to use it! Feel free to bring your laptop or use a computer in the lab!
ABE/GED/High School 21 Orientation, Room 5205
Tues., March 29: 5-9 p.m.
Get an overview of the ABE, GED and High School 21+ pathways, complete registration paperwork and take care of the CASAS assessment tests in Reading & Math.