Category: Clubs

April 9th, 2017 by

We invite you to join us for our April event this Mon., April 10 in the PUB 9208 from 1-3 p.m. The theme for April is *Earth Appreciation*!

This month’s featured faculty speaker is Chip Dodd. The event will feature several student speeches on environmental topics as well as a presentation by officers of the Shoreline Environmental Club.

S^3 Shoreline Students Speak is a series of community-oriented and student-led awareness events. Each month will coincide with a theme that will help set the tone for a central discussion. The goal is to have many volunteers speak and express their thoughts so that we can all gain new perspectives and learn from each other through the use of all forms of communication. The structure is similar to an open mic and incorporates a call to action by encouraging community involvement related to the monthly theme. Get curious; connect with your community by sharing your experience and become involved!

Our upcoming event topics include Mental Health Awareness in May and Mentor Appreciation in June. If you have a special interest in these topic(s) and would like to submit a presentation proposal OR if you run or are a member of a club that might want to co-sponsor one of these events, contact the Public Speaking Leadership Club at

Posted in Announcements, Clubs, Events, Free

March 9th, 2017 by

As the Shoreline Community College Hiking Club prepares for its winter excursion this weekend, we invite all members of the campus to join us for an informational presentation by Everett Mountain Rescue – Hiking Safety: Secrets of Search and Rescue. The presentation is this Fri., March 10 from 12:30-1:30 p.m. in the PUB 9202.

Overview of Presentation
Formed in 1954, Everett Mountain Rescue is an all volunteer, non‐profit organization dedicated to saving lives through rescue and mountain safety education. We are located in Snohomish County, Washington, and work in close coordination with Snohomish County Volunteer Search and Rescue and the Snohomish County Sheriff’s Office. Our primary service area is Snohomish County, between Puget Sound and the Cascade mountain crest, but we also provide mutual aid to Search and Rescue (SAR) incidents throughout Washington State.

During our SAR missions, we routinely encounter larger numbers of hikers and climbers who have been unprepared for their wilderness experience. We believe that a small amount of proactive education can lead to better choices, better preparedness, and increased survivability for Northwest hikers.

Our presentation mixes real-life SAR drama with experienced-based advice to provide key messages about risk-awareness, being better prepared, what to do if lost, and assessing natural hazards in the Pacific Northwest. Our target audience is both novice and experienced hikers, from youth to adults.

Presenter Bio: Guy Mansfield, Ph.D. is an experienced climber and hiker who has been active in Search and Rescue since 2008. He is the lead Wilderness Navigation instructor for Snohomish County Volunteer Search and Rescue and has presented at both state and national SAR conferences.

Presentation Format and Duration: The presentation is an interactive slide show/discussion that lasts 60-90 minutes, with opportunities for questions from the audience.

Posted in Announcements, Clubs, Free, Workshops

March 7th, 2017 by

Wed., March 8: 12:30-1:30 p.m. in the PUB 9201

Join the Black Student Union (BSU) for a discussion of the movie “Hidden Figures”. Come hear about the lived experiences of some of Shoreline Community College’s most phenomenal faculty and staff. Our distinguished panel will also address the progress and struggles of women of color, specifically from black women’s perspective, and what the future may hold. Panelists include Professor DuValle Daniel, Librarian Leslie Potter-Henderson, TSS IT Specialist Bonnie Madison, and a very special guest Ms. Shirley L. Johnson (mother of esteemed faculty Dr. Ernest Johnson).

Posted in Announcements, Clubs, Events, Free

March 6th, 2017 by

The Public Speaking Leadership Club, working jointly with the American Honors Student Council and the Public Speaking Center, is kicking off a series of themed monthly events dubbed S^3 (“S-cubed” for Shoreline Students Speak), starting with a community conversation on Tues., March 7, 11:30am-1pm in PUB 9208/Quiet Dining Room.

The theme for March is *Gender Celebration*. Topics for tentatively scheduled presentations include the Women’s March, transgender rights, women in the military, all-gender bathrooms, and the gender pay gap in STEM fields. If you have something you might like to present, please contact the club through their facebook page at This is not a lecture series – it is about fostering a community in which students can share/hear differing viewpoints and have conversations about those viewpoints.

These will be set up as fairly unstructured, open-mic-type events designed to give all students a chance to both listen to and express opinions on the event theme. Depending on time constraints, there will be some students making prepared 5-10 minute presentations, some small group discussions on current theme-related events, and some large group conversation. The American Honors Student Council will be providing themed “actionable tasks” – future events to attend, organizations to check out, etc. All students are welcome to just come listen or submit a presentation plan or anything in between!

Posted in Announcements, Clubs, Events, Free

March 2nd, 2017 by

Shoreline Community College Art Gallery presents ONE CUP HALF FULL ceramic exhibit Feb. 6 – March 3 with a silent auction and reception March 2, 4-6:30 p.m. Sales from the auction go to support the Shoreline Community College Clay Club and the charitable efforts of the One Cup Coffee Co.

The art gallery is located in the lobby of the Administration (1000) building. Follow us on Facebook:
One Cup Poster-web[6].jpg

Posted in Announcements, Clubs, Events

February 27th, 2017 by

International Peer Mentor presents the annual Global Showcase on Tuesday, February 28, 12:30 – 3:30 p.m. in the PUB Main Dining Room.

Join us for cultural presentations by students from diverse cultures of Shoreline Community College. There will be student performances and a Fashion Show. Students, faculty, and staff are invited to participate and learn more about the various traditions and cultures from the representatives. Everyone is all welcome!

Posted in Announcements, Clubs, Events, Free

February 16th, 2017 by

Shoreline Community College Art Gallery presents ONE CUP HALF FULL ceramic exhibit Feb. 6 – March 3 with a silent auction and reception March 2, 4-6:30 p.m. Sales from the auction go to support the Shoreline Community College Clay Club and the charitable efforts of the One Cup Coffee Co.

The art gallery is located in the lobby of the Administration (1000) building. Follow us on Facebook:
One Cup Poster-web[6].jpg

Posted in Announcements, Clubs, Events, Free

January 30th, 2017 by

In response to student demand, there is now a new student club on campus: The Environmental Club!

Our first meeting is this Fri., Feb. 3 from 12:30-1:30 p.m. at the Greenhouse/pond area adjacent to 2602. This club will be focused on discussing and learning about environmental issues, hands-on growing, volunteerism, and connecting with others. Everyone is invited to participate, so spread the word to your friends! Bring your lunch and eat while we meet. 

Posted in Announcements, Clubs, Events, Free, Volunteer Opportunities

January 25th, 2017 by

Join Shoreline’s intramural clubs for a ski trip to Stevens Pass on Feb. 4. The deadline to sign up is this Fri., Jan. 27 – so hurry!

Posted in Announcements, Clubs, Events

January 10th, 2017 by

Join us in the PUB Main Dining Room this Thurs., Jan. 12 from 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. for our quarterly Club Kickoff event. Come check out the 50+ clubs and organizations you can get involved with on campus and meet some of the campus resources and offices available to support you on your college journey.

Posted in Announcements, Arts & Entertainment, ASG, Clubs, Events, Free