Category: Services for Students

February 13th, 2023 by

The Spring quarter and Annual 2023-24 scholarship applications are now open.

The deadline to apply for Spring quarter scholarships is March 5th.

The deadline to apply for Annual scholarships is March 29th.

Click on the link to apply todayscholarship now open reminder text on a graphic

Posted in Announcements, Services for Students, Student Aid, Student Communications

February 9th, 2023 by

An open mic in support of SPL and National Poetry Month!

March 7th 4-8pm, questions or to get more info contact

Posted in Announcements, Events, Free, Services for Students

February 7th, 2023 by
Are you transferring to another college in the next year? Do you have questions about the process or need help with your application? Attend an upcoming Transfer Application Worktime on Fri. 2/10 from 1-3pm in the PUB Quiet Dining Room (9208). Staff and advisors will be on hand to talk with you through the process and provide feedback on resumes, essays, etc. Please Note: There is no formal presentation for this event; it is an opportunity for you to get help with your applications, so bring your laptop and ideas If you have any questions, e-mail
Transfer application worktime event information

Posted in Announcements, Events, Free, Services for Students

January 27th, 2023 by

Biomanufacturing Paid Internship-Spread the Word! Accepting applicants through March 1st!

Be Employment ready in 10 weeks

Potential paid internship while you train

No degree or science background required

Free or reduced tuition for qualified students

Spring 2023 Biomanufacturing Paid internship info Flyer

Posted in Announcements, Free, Jobs, Services for Students

January 26th, 2023 by

Representatives from 60+ colleges and universities around the world will be here to talk to you about their institutions. Bring your questions about transfer admissions, academic programs, and student life! The fair is targeted toward international transfer students, but all students, staff, and faculty are welcome. Representatives will be ready to meet all of you!

Transfer Fail event info

Posted in Announcements, Events, Free, Services for Students

January 24th, 2023 by

Hi Students,

Are you considering dropping a class?

You can drop classes after the quarter starts, however, you will need to get instructor permission and you will be charged a $15 add/drop fee. Dropping will result in a “W” showing on your transcript for withdrawal, and it will not count in computing your GPA.

The last day to drop a course this quarter with a “W” is February 22, 2023. After this date, no “W” will be given.

Please check with Financial Aid before deciding to drop a course as your aid may be impacted.

If you are utilizing GI Bill benefits, please be sure to check in with the Veteran & Military Student Services Office before dropping any classes. 

To withdraw from a class, submit a Student Withdrawal Request Form.  

Need assistance? Contact the Advising Center to make an appointment with an academic advisor.  

Advising Center
Shoreline Community College



Posted in Courses and Classes, Services for Students, Student Communications

January 24th, 2023 by

Dear Students, 
Welcome to Shoreline Community College.  We are so excited that you chose to join us. I want to take a moment to personally encourage you on your journey. Whether you are taking classes for transfer, to prepare for an occupation, and/or to engage in educational opportunities to develop your curiosity and knowledge, you are in the right place The fact that you chose to come to Shoreline, on top of balancing the other priorities in your life, says a lot about you. It says that you have a vision for your future, and you see Shoreline as the place to realize it.  
No matter what challenges you may be facing right now, we want to make sure you are supported to succeed. I want to emphasize that this is your collegeand that you belong here.  We are thrilled you are here and are dedicated to your success.  As a start, please explore the resource links in this email. We know the earlier that you utilize these support services, the more likely you will be to gain benefits and reach your goals. Please do not hesitate to call us, e-mail us or just drop by so we can ensure that you are getting your needs met.    
All of us at Shoreline – from our stellar professors to our committed advisors, supportive staff, and administrators are here to support you on that journey. And that includes me.  You don’t have to do it alone and we are here to help you complete your goals. 

Dr. Jack Kahn 
Shoreline Community College 

Estimados estudiantes, 
Bienvenidos a Shoreline Community College. Es un honor que nos hayan elegido. Quiero dedicar un momento para motivarlos en el viaje que comienzan. Bien sea que se matricularon para realizar una futura transferencia, prepararse para un oficio o aprovechar las oportunidades educativas para desarrollar su curiosidad y conocimiento, están en el lugar indicado. El que hayan decidido asistir a Shoreline, además de equilibrar sus otras prioridades de vida, dice mucho de ustedes; significa que tienen una visión sobre su futuro y que ven Shoreline como el lugar para materializarla.  
No importa los desafíos a los que se estén enfrentando ahora mismo, queremos garantizar que tendrán el apoyo que necesitan para alcanzar el éxito. Quiero destacar que esta es su universidad, y que tienen un lugar aquí. Nos emociona tenerlos con nosotros y nos comprometemos con su éxito. Para empezar, pueden explorar los enlaces de recursos que aparecen en este correo. Sabemos que mientras más rápido utilicen estos servicios de apoyo, más probabilidades tendrán de obtener beneficios para alcanzar sus metas. No duden en llamarnos, enviarnos un correo electrónico o visitarnos en persona para que asegurarnos de que sus necesidades están cubiertas.    
Todo el personal de Shoreline, desde nuestros brillantes profesores hasta nuestro dedicado personal de consejeros, apoyo, administradores, y yo incluido, estamos aquí para ayudarlos durante su viaje. No tienen que hacerlo solos, y estamos aquí para ayudarlos a conseguir sus metas. 
Dr. Jack Kahn 
Shoreline Community College 

Posted in Announcements, Services for Students, Student Communications

January 23rd, 2023 by

February 3rd, 2022 Learn more about Study Abroad options at Shoreline CC!

Study Abroad Scholarship Session slide with event info

Posted in Announcements, Courses and Classes, Events, Services for Students

January 20th, 2023 by

Dear Student,

Happy second week of Winter term!  It’s a good time to reflect on how you’re doing in your classes.

If you need to drop a class, you can still do so without impacting your GPA. Beginning January 24, dropped courses will show as a W grade on transcripts. The last day to receive a W grade is February 22. 

If you need to maintain a full credit load to receive financial aid or other benefits, you can replace your dropped class with a 2- or 3-credit late-start class.  Many options are available, including:

  • Introduction to College & Career Success (COL 101)
  • Academic Success Strategies  STYSK 100)
  • Stress Management (HUMDV 130)*
  • Fitness Participation (PE 260)

*starts February 8, all others listed start January 23

You can find these classes on the class schedule and searching classes with a start date from 1/23/2023.

It’s a good idea to discuss your schedule changes with an advisor in advance, so consider making an advising appointment through Starfish.

Thank you,

Posted in Announcements, Courses and Classes, Services for Students, starfish, Student Communications

January 20th, 2023 by

Hi Students,

Welcome to Winter Quarter! Here are some important date reminders!

To ensure the first few weeks of the quarter go smoothly, check out the important dates listed below.

  • Jan. 17-23: Late enrollment. Petition for Late Enrollment, with instructor and dean permission, required (late enrollment permitted only in rare and unusual circumstances)
  • Jan. 24: $15 add/drop fee begins and “W” begins if you drop
  • Jan. 30: Last day to receive a 50% refund for dropped classes
  • Feb. 17: Graduation application deadline
  • Feb. 20: Campus closed – Holiday
  • Feb. 22: Last day to withdraw from classes

For additional important dates regarding course enrollment, see the Academic Calendar online.
For all events, see the general College Calendar online.

If you need additional assistance, staff from the Learning CentersAdvisingCounselingFinancial AidWorkforce EducationVeterans & Military Student Services and International Education are here to support you.

We hope you have a successful start to your Winter Quarter!
Enrollment Services | 206.546.4611

Posted in Announcements, Services for Students, Student Aid, Student Communications