Category: Workshops

November 22nd, 2016 by

Applications for the 2017 Students of Color Conference are due by Dec. 2, 2016 – so get your application in today! Applications are available in the Multicultural Center, upstairs in the PUB (9301).

The Students of Color Conference is April 6-8, 2017. This is a statewide, transformative educational experience not to miss. Over 800 students from community colleges across the state participate every year! Workshop topics include: leadership development; ethnic, racial, and cultural sensitivity; academic success; identity development; diversity and multiculturalism; strategies and skills for promoting social justice; intercultural communication; and more!

The number of students the Multicultural Center can send is extremely limited, so apply today.

If you are interested in attending, or for more information about these conference opportunities, please contact a Multicultural Center staff member.

Posted in Announcements, Workshops

November 22nd, 2016 by

Have you ever been on campus and thought to yourself – “I wish I could….”

Go on a nature walk
Play video games at the Veterans’ Resource Center
Make a vision board
Paint a pet rock
Eat a snack
Make jewelry
Make your own DIY bath products
Try Zumba! or yoga
Snuggle with a therapy dog
Build a marshmallow spaghetti tower
Make a holiday craft
Play a board game
Make your own stress sock (or, in the words of my child – an “in distress” sock)
….OR, just chill out???

If so – keep reading!

Check out our quarterly pre-funk to finals week – BREATHE.  This quarter BREATHE events begin Monday, November 28 (with Dr. Roberts and her therapy dog in the PUB Lobby) and wrap up on Friday, December 2 (with yoga in the gymnasium or swimming at a local pool), with our main event happening Thursday, December 1 (events across campus – and make sure you stop by the Counseling Center for free food, crafts, and more)!

Students often report high levels of stress before finals, which can negatively impact their academic performance as well as their physical and mental health. BREATHE aims to reduce student stress as well as connect students to their SCC community. These efforts assist our students with attaining their academic and personal goals.

See the full schedule of BREATHE events here.

Fall 2016 BREATHE Sponsors:
Counseling Center, Advising and Success Center, Office of the President, Student Leadership Center, Multicultural Center, Veterans Resource Center, The Writing & Learning Studio, Ray W. Howard Library, PE/Intramurals, Science Division (Biology Department, Chemistry Department, & Engineering Department), CEO Program, WorkForce Education, Science Club, Engineering Club, Mental Health Awareness Society, 1st Nations Club, Black Student Union, CEO Community Club, Alliance of Latino American Students, & eLearning and Instructional Media

Posted in Announcements, Clubs, Events, Free, Services for Students, Workshops

November 18th, 2016 by

screen-shot-2016-11-18-at-12-26-01-pmIf you are new to Shoreline and intend to take classes in Winter quarter, you should attend a START (Student Advising and Registration Time) session. Winter quarter begins on January 9.
During this session you will:

• meet with a general academic advisor
• discuss degree options
• register for classes

Reserve your spot by filling out a sign-up form here.

Reminder: You will need a student ID number AND placement documents which could include high school transcript, Smarter Balanced scores, Compass scores, Accuplacer scores, and/or unofficial transcripts from previous college(s).

Upcoming START sessions are scheduled for the following dates and times:

11/21: 2-4 p.m., PUB 9208
11/22: 10 a.m. – 12 p.m., Room 1010M
11/29: 2-4 p.m., PUB 9201
12/1: 2-4 p.m., PUB 9202

12/5: 2-4 p.m., PUB 9201
12/7: 10 a.m. – 12 p.m., PUB 9201
12/9: 2-4 p.m., PUB 9201
12/13: 10 a.m. – 12 p.m., PUB 9201
12/15: 2-4 p.m., PUB 9201
 10 a.m. – 12 p.m., PUB 9201
12/21: 2-4 p.m., PUB 9201

Posted in Announcements, Events, Free, Services for Students, Workshops

November 18th, 2016 by

These are the events happening around campus for Mon., Nov. 21.

College Rep Visit: Hawaii Pacific University, Table in the PUB
Mon., Nov. 21: 11 a.m. – 1 p.m.

College representatives will be at Shoreline’s campus to meet with interested students. Reps will discuss topics such as academic programs, campus life, financial aid, and admission procedures for their college. They can answer other questions students may have too!

College Rep Visit: Lake WA Institute of Technology, Table in PUB
Mon., Nov. 21: 11 a.m. – 1 p.m.
lake wa tech.jpgCollege representatives will be at Shoreline’s campus to meet with interested students. Reps will discuss topics such as academic programs, campus life, financial aid, and admission procedures for their college. They can answer other questions students may have too!

FAFSA Workshop: Workforce Education Computer Lab, FOSS 5101
Mon., Nov. 21: 2:30-4 p.m.
Need Help completing your financial aid application? Come to a Financial Aid Workshop.  A Financial Aid advisor will be available to help you.

Posted in Announcements, Events, Free, Workshops

November 17th, 2016 by

Don’t miss Paul Valenti, one of Seattle’s most connected professionals for Plus 50 job and business opportunities. Fri., Nov. 18: 1-2:30 p.m., PUB 9202

This is Roundtable’s version of a TED Talk, with a career coach pro who has helped hundreds of our over 50 crowd find jobs over the years. Paul has been with the Mayor’s Office for Senior Citizens, Employment Resource Center for just over 8 years where he specializes in assisting older job seekers secure part and full time jobs. He is a former Hawaii State Legislative Lobbyist and the former Program Manager of the Center for Learning and Undergraduate Enrichment (CLUE) at the University of Washington.

Paul is a certified Dependable Strengths Trainer and a professional Job Search and Employment Speaker and Counselor. He has an inspirational and at times humorous story to share about how he beat the odds and became a success. Also LOTS to share about networking both online and in person. Hear some of his proven tricks for success using Linkedin – and even schedule a one-on-one!

Posted in Announcements, Events, Free, Jobs on Campus, Workshops

November 17th, 2016 by

euThe U.S. Presidential election, the vote in the United Kingdom to leave the European Union, what do they have in common? **And which  is it:  Great Britain or United Kingdom?

Join the GAC for Great Britain and the European Union this Thurs., Nov. 17 from 7-8:30 p.m. in the PUB Quiet Dining Room (9208). With guests:

Robin Twyman, Consul (Business and Government Affairs), United Kingdom, Seattle Office
Phillip Shekleton, Lecturer, Foster School of Business, University of Washington

The historic vote that took place on June 23 in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to leave the European Union (“Brexit”) has generated uncertainty about Great Britain’s future, that of Europe, and about the post-1945 global order. Does this historic referendum signal that Britain has chosen to retreat into a “Little England” status, or does it signal a desire to redefine its role on the world stage? Join us for a lively discussion of developments in Great Britain and their implications for European unity and the “special relationship” between Great Britain and the U.S.

Additional support provided by the Center for Global Studies, Henry M. Jackson School
of International Studies, UW.

For more information about Robin Twyman and Phillip Shekleton, visit our biographies page.

For photos, visit and LIKE our Facebook page.

Posted in Announcements, Events, Free, Workshops

November 14th, 2016 by

Here are the events happening around campus for the week of Nov. 14.

Mon., Nov. 14

Employer of the Week: Home Depot, PUB Welcome Desk
Mon., Nov. 14: 11 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Come learn about the many opportunities for students to begin working today!

College Rep Visit: UW School of Social Work, Table in PUB
Mon., Nov. 14: 11 a.m. – 1 p.m.
College representatives will be at Shoreline’s campus to meet with interested students. Reps will discuss topics such as academic programs, campus life, financial aid, and admission procedures for their college. They can answer other questions students may have too!

College Rep Visit: UW Seattle, Table in PUB
Mon., Nov. 14: 11 a.m. – 1 p.m.
uw logo.jpg
College representatives will be at Shoreline’s campus to meet with interested students. Reps will discuss topics such as academic programs, campus life, financial aid, and admission procedures for their college. They can answer other questions students may have too!

University of Phoenix info session, online
Mon., Nov. 14: 1-2 p.m.
Interested in pursuing your bachelor’s degree online? Join Constance Kronlund, our UP Admissions Counselor, in an info session and learn more.

To RSVP for this event, please e-mail  You will receive a confirmation e-mail with a website link to enter the online session.

Tues., Nov. 15

Funk & Groove concert, off-site at 88 Keys
Tues., Nov. 15: 7-10 p.m.
The election is finally over! Now it’s time to get back in tune with the music you love. Join us on Tues., Nov. 15 at 88 Keys Dueling Piano & Sports Bar in Seattle from 7-10pm.

Funk & Groove will take you back in time and celebrate hit songs from a variety of genres. No cover charge. $5 donation requested. Under 21 okay.

Wed., Nov. 16

Volleyball NWAC Championship, Tacoma
Nov. 16-20

Wish our Women’s Volleyball team good luck as they take to the road to head to the NWAC Championships in Tacoma.

U of Washington School of Pharmacy info session, Room 2812
Wed., Nov. 16: 2-3 p.m.
Come and learn how to prepare for the Pharmacy profession. University of Washington School of Pharmacy admissions recruiter will talk about admission requirements and what makes a strong applicant.

Thurs., Nov. 17

Annual Clay Club Sale, VCT room 2065
Thurs., Nov. 17: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.
clay-clubLooking for a unique gift this holiday season? Want to add a one-of-a-kind pot to your home?

The Clay Club has been hard at work creating ceramic art and functional pottery for this year’s sale. All proceeds support the Clay Club’s workshops and field trips.

Find us in the studio (VCT Building, Room 2065) on Thurs., Nov. 17 from 10 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. and Fri., Nov. 18 from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.

GAC Presents: Great Britain and the European Union, PUB 9208
Thurs., Nov. 17: 7-8:30 p.m.
euWith guests:

  • Robin Twyman, Consul (Business and Government Affairs), United Kingdom, Seattle Office;
  • Phillip Shekleton, Lecturer, Foster School of Business, University of Washington

The historic vote that took place on June 23 in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to leave the European Union (“Brexit”) has generated uncertainty about Great Britain’s future, that of Europe, and about the post-1945 global order.  Does this historic referendum signal that Britain has chosen to retreat into a “Little England” status, or does it signal a desire to redefine its role on the world stage?  Join us for a lively discussion of developments in Great Britain, and their implications for European unity and the “special relationship” between Great Britain and the U.S.

Additional support provided by the Center for Global Studies, Henry M. Jackson School
of International Studies, UW.

For more information about Robin Twyman and Phillip Shekleton, visit our biographies page.

For photos, visit and LIKE our Facebook page.

Fri., Nov. 18

3-on-3 Basketball Tournament, Main Gym (3000 bldg)
Fri., Nov. 18: 9:30 a.m. – 1:50 p.m.
Whether you’re competing or just cheering on your favorite team, join us for the 3-on-3 basketball tournament. When signing up, please note any time restrictions you may have during the 9:30-1:50 tournament time. Last day to register is 11/15/16 and schedule will be posted 11/17/16 in the issue room (downstairs 3000 bldg). For more info email intramurals@shoreline.eduSign up here.

Annual Clay Club Sale, VCT room 2065
Fri., Nov. 18: 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Looking for a unique gift this holiday season? Want to add a one-of-a-kind pot to your home?

The Clay Club has been hard at work creating ceramic art and functional pottery for this year’s sale. All proceeds support the Clay Club’s workshops and field trips.

Find us in the studio (VCT Building, Room 2065) on Thurs., Nov. 17 from 10 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. and Fri., Nov. 18 from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.

Music Student Recital, Room 818
Fri., Nov. 18: 12:30-3:30 p.m.
Join us in the Music bldg., room 818 for a recital given by some of our talented music students.

Fall Quarter 2016 Campus Update, PUB Main Dining Room

Sat., Nov. 19

Men’s Basketball at Wenatchee Valley, Wenatchee
Sat., Nov. 19: 2-4 p.m.

Men's basketball, Olympic at Shoreline CC
Wish our men’s basketball team well as they take to the road against Wenatchee Valley. #GoPhins!

Men’s Basketball at Grays Harbor, Aberdeen
Sun., Nov. 20: 4-6 p.m.
Men's basketball, Olympic at Shoreline CC
Wish our men’s basketball team well as they take to the road against Grays Harbor. #GoPhins! 



Posted in Announcements, Athletics, Clubs, Events, Free, Workshops

November 8th, 2016 by

Nov. 9: 12:30-1:30 p.m., PUB 9208

Is there a key to happiness? Want to learn how to increase happiness in your own life? If so, join Gwyn Hoffman-Robinson, Shoreline Community College counselor, to learn more about the research on happiness and practice research-supported techniques for increasing happiness.

Questions? Contact Gwyn Hoffman-Robinson at or 206.533-6613.

Posted in Announcements, Events, Free, Workshops

November 7th, 2016 by

happinessDr. Gloria Burgess, Leadership Development Consultant
Tues., Nov. 8: 12:30-2 p.m., PUB 9208

A pioneer in human dynamics and leadership, Dr. Gloria Burgess presents powerful keynotes and workshops based on her popular books, which include Flawless Leadership, Dare to Wear Your Soul on the Outside, and Legacy Living. Her focus is all about being our powerful, authentic selves—in how we live, lead, and serve. She knows first-hand that your past does not predict your future, having triumphed over poverty, racism and sexism, and now devotes her life to helping people of all ages discover their purpose and passion.  She is also an active supporter of the Landfill Harmonic Orchestra, a children’s orchestra that plays instruments literally made from trash, helping to raise funds for the LHO to perform in Seattle.

This event is cosponsored by the Shoreline Community College Multicultural Center. For more information about Dr. Gloria Burgess, visit our biographies page.

Posted in Announcements, Events, Free, Workshops

November 7th, 2016 by

Applications for the 2017 Students of Color Conference are due by Dec. 2, 2016 – so get your application in today! Applications are available in the Multicultural Center, upstairs in the PUB (9301).

The Students of Color Conference is April 6-8, 2017. This is a statewide, transformative educational experience not to miss. Over 800 students from community colleges across the state participate every year! Workshop topics include: leadership development; ethnic, racial, and cultural sensitivity; academic success; identity development; diversity and multiculturalism; strategies and skills for promoting social justice; intercultural communication; and more!

The number of students the Multicultural Center can send is extremely limited, so apply today.

If you are interested in attending, or for more information about these conference opportunities, please contact a Multicultural Center staff member.

Posted in Announcements, Events, Free, Workshops