Shoreline Community College Theater Department presents:
Madeline L’Engles, “A Wrinkle in Time”
Written by Madeline L’Engle and James Sie
December 1,2,8,9: 7:30PM
December 3, 10: 3:00PM
Adapted from Madeleine LEngles much-loved classic tale, one of literature’s most enduring young heroines, Meg Murry, is back–braces, stubbornness and all. Joining forces with her baby brother Charles Wallace, friend and neighbor Calvin O’Keefe, and the celestial beings Mrs. Whatsit, Mrs. Who, and Mrs. Which, she must battle the forces of evil in order to rescue her father, save humanity, and discover herself. Traveling through time and space, Meg must save both her father and the world from IT, an evil force that is rapidly casting its shadow over the universe. But what does Meg have that the IT does not? Love. For in the end, love is enough to overcome evil and bring ITs dark world crashing down.
Directed by Bryar Golden
Stage Managed by Anna Larsen
Set and Light Design by Richard Schaefer
Technical Direction by John Nold