Earth Week is April 19-25, and Shoreline Community College is celebrating with an exciting lineup of events surrounding the theme “Fostering an Ethic of Place.”
This year’s Earth Week seeks to explore our relationship with the place that Shoreline calls home by opening our eyes to the history of our campus, examining our roles in this community and envisioning what we can do in the future to create a more equitable, economical and environmentally just community, with the end goal of reaching sustainability.
Earth Week activities kick off this Sun., April 19 with Earth Day Storytelling at Duwamish Longhouse featuring native storytellers Gene Tagaban, Mary Anne Moorman and Lorraine Bayes and will end next Sat., April 25 with a Habitat Restoration work party in the Upper Boeing Creek Watershed.
In between, the Shoreline community is invited to attend a whole host of events ranging from Amp Your Voice (a workshop that equips students with powerful advocacy and civic engagement tools) to nature walks, from a native plant sale to film showings including Wall-E, Soylent Green and Princess Angeline.
The entire listing of events can be found here. Be sure to check it out and participate – there’s something for everyone!