Interviewing for work is a tough business. Some of the pitfalls for not winning over the selection panel or HR reps are real, while others may be our imagination getting the best of us. We have to ask good questions based on what we know about the workplace, and meet their questions with concise and thoughtful answers. All the while remembering to curb enthusiasm, anxiety and to never appear too hungry.
Join us this Fri., April 24 in FOSS 5116 from 1-2:30 p.m. for a FREE talk by author, Compassionate Communication Trainer and life coach, Moreah Vestan. Topics covered in this workshop that job seekers can apply to interviewing include:
–How to connect at interviews or when you fill out an application
-How to deal with disappointment and frustration over job hunting
-How to manage difficult interactions with family, friends, at work, etc.
Moreah brings 11 years’ experience in communication training, and has much wisdom to share about maximizing your impact at the interview. There are also tips on choosing how to react, which benefits not only the interview process, but every area of your job search.
Not to be missed! Also the usual great coffee and other delights, compliments of Central Market.
See you Friday – and as always – Good Luck Out There!