Join us this Thurs., August 27 from 1-2:30 p.m. in the Workforce Education office (bottom floor of FOSS) for a Job Seekers’ Roundtable exploring the most dreaded interview question: “Tell Me About Yourself.”
So you got the call: You’ve been asked to interview!
It can be a feeling of excitement, even relief, but sometimes accompanied with a bit of anxiety.
What many of us don’t consider is that the interview is more a conversation than it is a test. How do we get past the edginess and jitters of a looming job interview? Being prepared is a given, but being yourself is an imperative! This Thursday we’ll give this subject some airtime. If you haven’t yet, you will get an interview eventually, so you might as well come by, right? So please share some skills and insights, have some laughs – and of course some great coffee and refreshments.
Note: this is our final Thursday meeting of Roundtable. There will be no Roundtable next week, and the meetings will resume on Fridays (same time and place) on Fri., September 11.