Perform in a fully-staged and costumed opera and scenes with orchestra. Opera Workshop 2016 has wonderful opportunities for solo and ensemble singing and is open to those with little or a lot of singing experience.
The Opera Workshop Performances will be February 19-21, 2016, with auditions being held Thurs., Nov. 12. For the past forty-six years this workshop has provided training and basic stage and performance experience for aspiring young singers and actors, while giving them the opportunity to earn college credit. To audition for this workshop, click here to request an audition slot.
We are also looking for students who are interested in tech work to assist in the production. Students can get musical theater performance credits, drama credits or stage technical credits. Auditions are open to the community, but everyone involved in the production must register for some type of Shoreline Community College course.
For further information please contact Dr. Charles Enlow, Director/Producer, Shoreline Community College, Department of Music, at 206-546-4524 or cenlow@shoreline.edu.