During the break between Summer and Fall quarters, the Math Learning Center and The Writing & Learning Studio will join Tutoring, TSS, and the Library under one roof. In order to support the relocations for MLC and TWLS, the building’s 4200 and 4300 floors will be closed to the public Fri., August 14 through Mon., August 31. During the move, students can still obtain ID cards and access the computer lab in the following manner:
TSS will open up 4102 so that students have lab access for their computing purposes during this interim from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m., M-Th (August 17-20 and August 24-27).
An ID card station will be staffed in the Student Services area in FOSS, coinciding with several orientation events later this month, including:
12-4 p.m. Mon., August 17
10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Tues., August 18 through Thurs., August 20
10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Mon., August 24 through Thurs., August 27
12-4 p.m. Mon., August 31
Tutoring services and the Library will re-open on Tues., September 1 and keep standard break hours (8 a.m. – 5 p.m. M-Th; closed Fridays) until Fri., September 18. MLC and TWLS will announce their own schedules as Opening Week approaches.