Dear Student,
I wanted to update you on some of the roadway changes happening on and around campus. As these improvements continue in the coming months, additional traffic diversion, flaggers, and other safety measures will be in place. We understand that this may pose an inconvenience for some, but please know that safety is our top priority for all involved.
- Right-of-Way Improvements:
The City of Shoreline and the College are working together to improve access to the College for pedestrians, cyclists, and vehicles. This work has begun along NW Innis Arden Way.
What Will Change?
- New sidewalks will be constructed along NW Innis Arden Way, Greenwood Avenue N, and N 160th Street
- Bicycle markings will be installed on N 160th Street between Greenwood Avenue N and Dayton Avenue N.
What’s the Timeline?
- Completion by late fall 2019
- Storm Water Improvements:
Currently, repair work is also occurring on the storm line of NW Innis Arden Way directly West of Greenwood Ave and 160th Street, which unfortunately impacts local traffic.
What Will Change?
- The roadway is reduced to one lane of alternative traffic between 6:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. each weekday to repair a storm line
What’s the Timeline?
- Now through late June (approximately 6 weeks)
Can I Avoid this Construction Traffic?
- During this work, you may want to use one of two alternate routes from campus:
- West Gate Exit: Take a right on NW Innis Arden Way, then take another right turn onto 10th Ave NW, and another right turn onto 175th.
- East Gate Exit: Left turn on Greenwood Avenue, then another right turn on Carlyle Hall Road NW, and another right turn to Dayton Avenue.
- Long-Term Intersection Improvements:
Looking ahead, the College and City are developing a plan for the intersection of Greenwood Avenue N with N 160th Street/ NW Innis Arden Way, as the existing intersection was not built for the large number of people that use it on a regular basis.
What Will Change?
- This intersection will be rebuilt to improve traffic flow
What’s the Timeline?
- By the fall 2025 (six years from the opening of the new student housing)
How Can I Learn More?
- You are invited to attend a public meeting to learn more about these improvements on Wednesday, May 8, 2019 (6 – 8 p.m.) in the Main Dining Room (Room 9208)
Thank you for your patience as we make these positive improvements for our campus community and our neighbors!
Cheryl Roberts, Ed.D.