Message from President Roberts: DACA and Immigration Resources

Dear Student,

Many of us are aware of an impending US Supreme Court decision on the future of DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals). I know many students and employees may be feeling a tremendous amount of uncertainty and anxiety about what this decision may mean for undocumented and immigrant students.

I want to reiterate Shoreline Community College’s steadfast support for all students. We are committed to upholding and maintaining a welcoming and supportive learning environment for everyone, regardless of documentation status.

While the current Supreme Court case is being heard, College employees are staying informed of any potential changes. Recently, staff members from Students, Equity & Success participated in a “DACA and Your Future” webinar to help prepare for possible outcomes. We will continue to monitor the situation and provide both students and employees with support resources as well as notification should any new developments arise.

Resources and support are available on our Campus Immigration Resources and HB 1079 web pages.

I want you to know we stand by DACA recipients and remain committed to keeping our doors wide open to them, because we know that our quality of life in Washington improves when everyone has access to education.

Cheryl Roberts, Ed.D.

November 21st, 2019 by