If you have had a change in your income or employment situation, Workforce Education might be able to help you pay for tuition!
Workforce Education can:
Pay for tuition, books, tools, gas cards and childcare for professional technical student. We can still help pay for fall tuition. Grants available for Professional-Technical and Transfer Students.
Grant eligibility for Professional Technical + Transfer Students:
- Low-income (i.e. Household of 1 makes $2127- amount increases with # of family members)
Grant Eligibility for ONLY Professional Technical Students. Needs to meet one of the following
Unfortunately, due to our grant guidelines, we cannot fund International Students.
Career Coaching- Help with searching for jobs, creating a resume and practicing interview skills
Connect to Community Resources- i.e., utility assistance programs, low-cost Internet, food banks, and more.
For more information click here.
Contact us at 206-546-5882 or workforce@shoreline.edu.