Learn how to live a more sustainable life while having fun in the sun. Bring the family and visit the KIDZone to get a solar mini car, build a birdhouse, make your own trail mix, and many other activities. Solar curious? Talk to local solar installers and see what solar solutions are right for you. Tour tiny houses, see the latest in electric transportation, and test ride an electric bike. Check out the solar art gallery, join the Barter Fair, participate in meaningful discussions in the Conversation Café, and screen the film “Living Tiny Legally” at the campus theater. Visit booths that highlight products, services, and information to help you make choices that will help leave a cleaner, safer planet for our children. Enjoy the low carbon, high joy, food, and entertainment.
Some scheduled highlights:
• Tiny Houses on display, screening of “Living Tiny Legally” (4pm), Tiny House Meetup (1pm)
• Conversation Cafes on Sustainable Living
• NW EcoBuilding Guild Talks (on the hour 11am – 4pm)
• KIDZone – High Voltage Demo, The Insect Safari, Home Depot make & take activities, PCC Build Your Trail Mix, Mini Solar Car Giveaway, Readings of “Big Adventures of Tiny House”, “the Lorax” movie in the theater, Bee Hive Jive at 3pm
• Seattle Barter Fair – bring your homegrown or homemade items to trade (2-4pm)
• Transportation Zone includes 100% electric vehicles; Cars and Bicycles
• Solar Art Gallery
• Raffle fundraiser to win a Rad Power Electric Bike
For more information visit www.shorelinesolar.org or email info@shorelinesolar.org or contact Amy Stapleton at astaplet@shoreline.edu.