This month gives us an opportunity to celebrate the many and varied contributions of America’s workers with disabilities. The theme for this year — which marks 70 years since the first observance — is “My Disability is One Part of Who I Am.”
Shoreline Community College — through a collaboration between the Office of Special Services, the Disability Awareness Society and the Associated Students of Shoreline — will be celebrating Disability Employment Awareness month and will be providing disability related tips and information each day to help raise awareness and encourage people to see beyond a person’s disability and see the person, not just their disability.
And you can even win a gift certificate to the bookstore by taking part in our weekly quote contest! Every Monday in October (starting Mon., Oct. 5), we’ll hand out a quote written in braille and American Sign Language. Contestants have until the following Friday afternoon to submit an entry form with that quote translated into written English. Anyone submitting an entry form will be entered into a drawing to win a $10 gift card to the bookstore. Drawings for the prize will be held Fridays at 3 p.m.
New quotes, entry forms and cheat sheets! (copies of the braille alphabet and the American Sign Language alphabet) are provided and will be available for pick up at the Bookstore, Office of Special Services (OSS) in FOSS 5226 and at the Community Integration and Employment Program office in room 2910.
Stay tuned for more information!!!!!