Shoreline Community College, in conjunction with its community partners, is hosting our 5th “Overcoming Barriers to Employment Summit” on the morning of Thurs., Sept. 8. This is a free community event with workshops geared toward supporting persons with disabilities secure and maintain employment. This event also has much to offer service professionals who work with our students on a daily basis.
Registration starts at 8:30 a.m. with workshops through until 12:20 p.m. The event will also give attendees a chance to connect with key community resources through our Community Resource Fair.
The keynote speaker, Todd Stabelfeldt, will kick off the event at 9 a.m. Todd is a native of Washington State and has worked on a local and global level to merge technology and accessibility to bring new independence for persons with disabilities.
For more information and to register please direct people to the event page on brown paper tickets. Registration is required!
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