The SCC Foundation has extended the deadlines for a couple of our scholarships.
We are still accepting applications at this time for the following annual scholarships for 2015 -2016:
Dislocated Worker Scholarship
Eric Niemitalo Scholarship in Earth and Environmental Science
Friends of Mary Automotive Scholarship
Mark Galloway Automotive Scholarship
Shawn Henrichsen Memorial Dental Hygiene Scholarship
The Sparrow Scholarship for Music Tech Students – In Memory of Ted Luttrell
Deadline: Application for the above are due in the SCC Foundation office by 4:00 pm on Tuesday, May 5, 2015
Information and applications can be found on the SCC Foundation website at:
For questions, contact Lynn Yaw at lyaw@shoreline.edu or (206)533-6783 or Chandra Passe at cpasse@shoreine.edu or (206) 546-4755; in the SCC Foundation office – room 1005.