Over the past three weeks, some of the first campus-wide steps were taken in the process of building a long-term strategic plan for Shoreline Community College.
Tom Mesaros, a consultant with the Alford Group, facilitated five discussion groups to help gather input on the college’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT). These sessions were in both large group and small group formats and drew 117 participants, including students, faculty and staff from across the campus.
“My impression is that the SWOT sessions were very successful,” said Stuart Trippel, Executive Director for Business and Student Support Services, who helped organize the sessions.
There is one more opportunity to participate in this piece of the strategic plan process, an online survey at: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/SCC_SWOT2015
The survey will be available online until May 20.
The online survey questions are the same as those posed at the in-person sessions. Responses are anonymous and will be compiled with information gathered during the in-person sessions. For more information, contact Bayta Maring, bmaring@shoreline.edu, 206-546-6949.
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