Tidy-Up Party 7/19 1-3pm

TidyUP makes it easy to identify unpublished pages, delete outdated content and remove empty folders in Canvas. Have you ever tried to manually find and delete unused files or unpublished pages in Canvas?  It’s not easy. Specifically, TidyUP allows you to do the following in any Canvas course:
  • Identify and delete all files that are not being used in your course.
  • See what files are being used in your course and where they are being used.
  • Find empty folders in the files section of your course and delete them.
  • View a list of all your Canvas pages, assignments, quizzes or discussions with information about each page and the ability to delete multiple pages at once
Come and work with your fellow faculty members and eLearning department. It’s a little bit of clean-up magic and a whole lot of awesome.  If you have any questions, please email us at support@shoreline.edu or visit https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84228732138
June 30th, 2022 by