National Distance Learning Week is an annual effort to generate greater awareness and appreciation for distance learning, sponsored by the United States Distance Learning Association. Shoreline Community College is celebrating by posting a daily announcement that highlights an aspect of our eLearning program. Today, we highlight new information sessions for online students.

eLearning Services is now offering Experience the Virtual Campus – Information Sessions to students who are thinking about pursuing a fully online degree or certificate. Students will come away understanding what it would be like to be a fully online student and how Shoreline will support them in achieving their educational goals. Sessions are offered on most Tuesdays from 12 noon to 1 p.m. Current and prospective online students can sign up and participate live via web conferencing here.
For more information, please contact eLearning Services by clicking here, sending an email to eLearning@shoreine.edu, or calling us at (206) 546-6966.