WA College Presidents Pass Resolutions Denouncing Violence Against Blacks and Anti-Asian and Pacific Islander Harassment

Dear Student,

I wanted to share a stance, I wholeheartedly endorse, that was taken by the Washington Association of Community and Technical Colleges (WACTC) — the organization of community and technical college presidents on June 5th. It speaks to the leadership and resolve of presidents throughout the state who unanimously passed two resolutions denouncing violence against Blacks and Anti-Asian and Pacific Islander harassment.

The Resolution Denouncing Violence against Blacks in America In support of Black Students, Faculty, Staff, and Communities 

  • Excerpt: “The Washington Association of Community and Technical Colleges stands against the structural racism that has emboldened and enabled killings of Black people by citizens and police throughout America. We commit our system to the development of an action plan to dismantle systemic injustices against Black Americans and other historically marginalized groups. We commit our campuses to working collectively with allies to combat and disrupt the hate and violence against Black people in our communities.”

The Resolution Denouncing Anti-Asian Discrimination Caused by COVID-19 Pandemic in support of Asian American and Pacific Islander Students, Faculty, Staff, and Communities

  • Excerpt: “The Washington Association of Community and Technical Colleges denounces racism against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in any form; joins communities, cities, counties, and states across the country in affirming its commitment to the safety and well-being of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders and in combating acts of aggression and hate crimes targeting these communities. We commit our system to the development of an action plan to dismantle systematic injustices against historically marginalized groups. We commit our campuses to working collectively with allies to combat and disrupt instances of racism and intolerance against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders people in our communities.”

In solidarity,

Cheryl Roberts, Ed.D.
Office of the President

June 11th, 2020 by