Winter Quarter Textbooks Available Online

Do you need to purchase books and supplies for winter quarter?

The Shoreline Community College Bookstore is now 100% online, so you can shop anytime, anywhere for your books, supplies, and Shoreline gear!

To purchase your textbooks:

  1. Visit the online bookstore and search for materials by course.
  2. Select the items you’d like to purchase.
  3. Click the “Checkout” button to enter your shipping and payment information.

The online bookstore accepts credit cards, Apple Pay, and Pay Pal.

If applicable, you can also choose to pay with your Scholarship, Workforce, or Veterans funding. If your books are covered by a campus program or other third party, please contact that office if you have questions.

After you complete your order, you’ll receive an email receipt and a link to track your order status.

Please remember that online orders take approximately 3-5 business days to process. Place your order early to make sure you receive your materials before classes begin on January 6.

We look forward to seeing you in class this winter quarter! 

December 30th, 2024 by