With registration upon us, you may be wondering how you are going to pay for next quarter.
If you are a professional technical student and have lived in Washington for over a year, you may be eligibile for Workforce Education Grants if you meet one of the following criteria:
- Is receiving benefits from DSHS (food stamps, or TANF/cash assistance)
- Is low income (example: 1 person makes $2000 a month or less)
- Has received unemployment insurance in the past four years
- Is being laid off or formerly self-employed, need to retrain
- Has recently lost or separated from a spouse who was helping to support them?
- Has become a veteran in the past four years
If you meet one of these criteria, you may be eligible for Workforce funding!
Next steps:
- Complete the survey at www.startnextquarter.org
- or visit the Shoreline Community College Workforce Education office on the lower level of the Foss Building (5101).