Are you seeking money to pay for college, books, and other needs? Workforce Education may be able to help you.
What we offer:
- Coverage for tuition and fees
- Financial aid for books, school supplies, and transportation
- Personalized one-on-one support and advising
To qualify, you must be a Washington resident who is enrolled in a Professional Technical Program or, Transfer Program while receiving Basic Food. Additionally, you must meet ONE of the following criteria:
- Meet low-income standards (e.g., a family of one making less than $2,510). Please find more information on our income guidelines here.
- Currently unemployed or under-employed. Explore qualifying unemployment situations.
- Receive TANF/Cash Assistance from DSHS – WorkFirst
*Please note that international students are not eligible for funding based on our grant guidelines.
Click here to start your application.
Click here to visit our website.