Workforce Education Pays for Your College!

Are you seeking money to pay for college, books, and other needs? Workforce Education may be able to help you.  

What we offer:

  • Coverage for tuition and fees
  • Financial aid for books, school supplies, and transportation
  • Personalized one-on-one support and advising 

To qualify, you must be a Washington resident who is enrolled in a Professional Technical Program or, Transfer Program while receiving Basic Food. Additionally, you must meet ONE of the following criteria:

  • Meet low-income standards (e.g., a family of one making less than $2,510). Please find more information on our income guidelines here.
  • Currently unemployed or under-employed. Explore qualifying unemployment situations.
  • Receive TANF/Cash Assistance from DSHS – WorkFirst  

*Please note that international students are not eligible for funding based on our grant guidelines.  

Click here to start your application.

Click here to visit our website.

February 10th, 2025 by