Campus Coronavirus as of April 7, 2020

Message from the President

As we continue to follow the “Stay at Home, Stay Healthy” order, our state is beginning to reap some of the benefits: the number of new cases in our state is not climbing as rapidly as some projections had shown. However, now is not the time to let up. These days, it’s even more important now than ever for us to maintain our social distancing to ensure we continue to “flatten the curve.” Here are some updates to help you through your week. 

How can I ensure I’m using Zoom successfully (and safely)? 

Many of you will be using Zoom video conferencing software regularly in your classes or in your work or personal life. We know that some people have expressed concerns about the safety and security of using Zoom, and College employees have been provided resources for how to best use this tool for class sessions and meetings. If you have additional questions about Zoom, here are a few resources: 

What should I do if I’m experiencing financial distress and may not be able to afford school? 

If you’re experiencing financial challenges that prevent you from being successful this quarter, please reach out directly to our Financial Aid staff before you withdraw from classes or make any changes or decisions.  

We have many resources to help you pay for things like tuition, fees, food, housing, course materials, technology, health care, and childcare and other emergency expenses. We do not want these concerns to stand in your way of completing your educational goals and we are here to help.  

Additionally, OneAmerica has resources, guidance, and funding for undocumented students, and the Employment Security Department resources for students who have been laid off or are recently are unemployed. 

If I’m feeling overwhelmed, where can I go for emotional support? 

As we begin the quarter and the usual stress associated with those endeavors, I hope you’ll be mindful of taking good care of yourself and noticing if you need support. Reaching out for support is a sign of strength and self-awareness. The Counseling Center is a free, confidential resource students are encouraged to use to ensure you stay emotionally healthy during these uncertain times. 

Thank you for entrusting our caring faculty and staff with your learning as you reach for your educational goals at Shoreline! 

With care and appreciation, 

Cheryl Roberts, Ed.D. 


April 7th, 2020 by