Campus Coronavirus Update as of April 6, 2020

Message from the President

Welcome to spring quarter! We are beginning this quarter differently than we anticipated at the start of this academic year, as the College is now operating remotely through May 4 in response to the COVID-19 emergency. And, as you may have heard, the Governor confirmed today that K-12 schools will not return to in-person instruction for the remainder of the school year, which impacts many families among our students and employees.

We know these changes are not easy, but please know the staff and faculty of the College are focused on helping you pursue your educational goals so you can move toward a positive future.

What are students and faculty doing to prepare for online instruction? 

This week begins our online training for students and faculty. You received information on Friday about how to access the training in Canvas and many of you have already started or completed it today. Some students encountered issues accessing the training due to a technical error and we informed you that it should be corrected by tomorrow morning. If you have any issues with Canvas, please contact eLearning Services (, 206-546-6966).

What College resources are available to students this spring? 

  • There is a new COVID Student Resource page on the website, which provides updated information and resources to help you navigate this quarter.
  • The Counseling Center is available for remote appointments to help you manage any stress or anxiety you may be feeling right now.
  • Free intramural wellness classes start on April 13 via zoom if you are looking for a way to exercise or meditate in between classes.

Should I wear a mask in public? 

U.S. public health officials have recently updated their recommendations for wearing masks or cloth face coverings in public. If you choose to wear a mask, there are a few important tips to remember. While masks alone may not necessarily protect you from getting sick, they can be worn to help protect others. Wearing a mask should be done in conjunction with other precautions such as frequent hand washing and maintaining a 6-foot distance from others. Masks are dirty after being worn and they should be washed immediately after use (if reusable) and you should sanitize your hands after disposing of them.

What are some things I should remember while managing stress or anxiety? 

Here are a few self-care tips to keep in mind as you enter this new quarter:

  • You are not “studying from home,” you are “at your home, during a crisis, trying to study.”
  • Your personal physical, mental, and emotional health is far more important than anything else right now.
  • Be kind to yourself and try not to judge how you are coping based on how you see others coping.
  • Your success will not be measured in the same way it was when things were normal.

As a college community, we have shown great resiliency during the unbridled challenges associated with our public health emergency and I’m so grateful to each of you. We still need to be aware of the toll these changes have on our lives. I hope you’ll explore these self-care strategies, as well as others, to sustain yourself as you complete your studies this quarter.

With care,

Cheryl Roberts, Ed.D.


April 6th, 2020 by