Category: Clubs

April 9th, 2015 by

Earth Week is April 20-24! To celebrate, Shoreline will be hosting a whole range of events including a recycled art show put on by campus club The Worldly Philosophers and Dismal Scientists Society. To have your recycled, earth-inspired art displayed in the show and demonstrate your love of Mama Nature, send a photo of your piece to or fill out a submission form in the Student Leadership Center (PUB 9301) by April 17.

recycled art show

Posted in Announcements, Clubs, Events, Free Tagged with: , , , ,

April 8th, 2015 by

walkingInterested in exploring the trails/woods behind Shoreline? Want a group to walk with and get fit? Starting this Thurs., April 9 we’ve got a group for you!

This walking group will meet every Thurs. between now and the end of Spring quarter at 12:25 p.m. in front of the fitness center for a 45-minute stroll through the woods. Explore nature, get exercise and meet new people. Win-win-win!

Posted in Announcements, Athletics, Clubs, Events, Free, Services for Students Tagged with: